Recognition of prior study achievements must take place within the first 2 semesters. Credits earned during the course of study, even at other universities/colleges, can also be recognized later/at graduation.

Further information can be found on the information page of the Academic Department or in the Recognition Regulations of the Vice-Rectorate for Academic Affairs.

Requests for recognition of examinations can be made via the Jira recognition portal, opens an external URL in a new window.

Criteria for the recognition of company internships as electives:

  1. It has to be on a “chemical” topic.
  2. The activity at the company must have a project character, i.e. there must be a report with a task and a description of how the task was solved. Purely routine activities cannot be recognized.
  3. You must submit a confirmation from your employer regarding your activity and the duration (from - to and weekly working hours) of your employment.
  4. The documents must be submitted to Ms. Badinska ( together with an informal letter requesting recognition.

Final exams via video conference or in hybrid mode

Please note the criteria for final examinations via video conference:

  • All parties involved must agree
  • mutual audibility and mutual visibility (reciprocity)
  • voice, facial expressions and gestures must be realistically perceptible (authenticity)
  • data transmission must take place via secure channels (confidentiality)
  • it must be possible for other people (listeners) to join in (participation option)
  • an equal level of knowledge must be ensured among the meeting participants (level of information)

Attendance examinations

Please note that a laptop will not be provided for attendance examinations.

In this context, we would like to draw your attention to the F.A.Q.(PDF), opens an external URL in a new window on the recognition of examinations.

In the interests of quality assurance, it is now mandatory to bring the hard-bound diploma thesis or the two hard-bound dissertations with you when submitting your thesis (at least 3 weeks before the examination date). The electronic version of the submitted thesis must already have been uploaded to TISS by the supervisor.

The expert opinion (Master's examination) or the two expert opinions (viva voce) must be received by the Dean's Office at least one week before the planned examination date, otherwise the examination date must be postponed accordingly.

In accordance with the Ordinance on Statistical Surveys (Federal Law Gazette II No. 290), we kindly ask you to complete the electronic form on the following page:, opens an external URL in a new window

After completing the survey, please print out the UHStat2 confirmation available online and hand it in to the Dean's Office when submitting your degree.

If you do not wish to participate in this survey, please submit a brief written explanation when submitting your degree to the Dean's Office.

Next dates:

  • 21.01.2025 at 10:00 a.m. (Karlsplatz 13, Kuppelsaal TU Wien)
  • 12.06.2025 at 10:00 a.m. (Karlsplatz 13, Kuppelsaal TU Wien)

For inquiries, please contact Amy Tindl (

This is organized by the Department of Data Protection and Document Management at TU Wien.


To simplify matters, concerning submission of diploma examination/viva voce, it is advisable to come to the study center IN PERSON during opening hours and by appointment to clarify any uncertainties on site. Please contact Linda Schachinger ( or Amy Tindl ( in this regard.


Info submission documents:

Degrees are processed online via TISS, opens an external URL in a new window.

Please bring ALL documents in person 8 weeks (doctoral program) or 4 weeks (master's program) before the planned final examination or send the documents required for submission in ONE e-mail to:

Amy Tindl ( Bachelor degrees

Linda Schachinger ( Master degrees, doctorate.

The hard bound thesis can be submitted online, as long as it has been properly uploaded in TISS.


Info times appointment scheduling:

Please fix dates for diploma examinations or viva voce MONDAY-THURSDAY, as study services are occupied during these days.

The final examination (diploma examination or viva voce) takes place in presence, hybrid or via video conference.


Info use of official TU Wien e-mail address:

Due to data protection regulations, only e-mails from TU Wien students can be answered if they are sent from the official TU Wien e-mail address (