The topic of the dissertation and the courses to be completed as part of the academic specialization must be registered with the Dean of Academic Affairs before writing begins. Please use the form for the dissertation agreement (PDF), opens an external URL in a new window. Together with the dissertation agreement, a binding description of the planned work (abstract, approximately 250 words) must be submitted, only then can it be approved by the Dean of Academic Affairs, Prof. Gärtner. Irrespective of this, the topic must be entered (by the supervisor) in the TISS information system, opens an external URL in a new window.

Cumulative dissertations are generally permitted. In this case we recommend that you consult your supervisor. Please also note the guidelines (PDF), opens an external URL in a new window of TU Wien.

In this context, we would like to draw your attention to the Code of Conduct (PDF), opens an external URL in a new window of TU Wien, which sets out the principles of good scientific practice at the university.

Note: It is not mandatory to provide personal data for electronic versions. The electronic version also does not have to be signed.

Forms relevant to doctoral studies and documents required for graduation can be found under “Forms”.

The courses to be completed as part of the doctoral program (scientific specialization) must be selected in consultation with the supervisor and must be approved by the Dean of Academic Affairs before taking them.

The scientific specialization is indicated on the form for the dissertation agreement PDF), opens an external URL in a new window.

Please note the guidelines of the Dean of Academic Affairs (PDF), opens an external URL in a new window with regard to the courses to be completed to the extent of 18 ECTS.

Important information

The guidelines of the Dean of Academic Affairs (PDF), opens an external URL in a new window were updated on 15.11.2023 and replace all previous guidelines!

The major change is as follows: from now on, the ECTS points for courses shown on the certificate will be taken into account when determining the 18 ECTS to be completed.

The exclusion from use is initially issued for two years and can be extended once upon request for a maximum of three further years (blocking period) if an application to this effect is submitted to the academic law body in good time before the end of the first blocking period and the requirements pursuant to § 86 para. 4 UG continue to be met.

Blocked theses cannot be borrowed and viewed in the library during this period (this also applies to the abstract of the thesis).

Please arrange the examination date for your viva voce from Monday to Thursday, as the study service is occupied on these days.

To simplify matters, it is advisable to come to the Dean's Office in person to submit your viva voce and clarify any ambiguities on the spot.

Please contact Linda Schachinger ( 8 weeks before the scheduled examination date to arrange an appointment and to submit the documents in person (or send them all in one e-mail)

As soon as a date has been agreed with the examiners, the application for admission to the viva voce (stating the date and specifying the examiners and assessors) including ALL submission documents must be sent to the Dean's Office 8 weeks before the date. The Dean's Office is responsible for chairing the viva voce.

If external examiners and assessors are appointed, please submit the form (PDF), opens in new window together with the application for admission to the viva voce and send it to Linda Schachinger (

Expert reports

The assessors must be officially appointed by the Dean's Office 8 weeks before the examination date.

The expert reports must be received by the Dean's Office at least two weeks before the planned examination date, otherwise the examination date must be postponed accordingly.


  • Curriculum vitae (handwritten signature)
  • Current record of studies
  • Passport (and marriage certificate if applicable)
  • Degree certificate and notification of previous studies
  • If applicable, notification of admission to the doctoral program with proof of any conditions imposed
  • 2 copies of the hard-bound dissertations (with handwritten signature on the first page of the dissertation)
  • Information sheet for authors of the dissertation or application for restriction of use
  • Copy of the first page of the dissertation (including signature)
  • Abstract (approximately 250 words with the following information: Name of the candidate, name of the examiners, title of the dissertation)
  • Transcript of records of the required 18 ECTS of the scientific specialization
  • UHStat2-confirmation
  • Application for admission to the viva voce (PDF) - please indicate whether the exam will take place in presence or hybrid
  • Data sheet Admission as an examiner (PDF) (if applicable)

Please inform your supervisor in advance that the dissertation should be uploaded to TISS before submission. The two hard-bound dissertations can be submitted later, but MUST be submitted at least 1 week before the scheduled deadline!

The following criteria must be met for the viva via video conference:

  • All parties involved must be in agreement
  • Mutual audibility and mutual visibility (reciprocity)
  • Voice, facial expressions and gestures must be realistically perceptible (authenticity)
  • Data transmission must take place via secure channels (confidentiality)
  • it must be possible for other people (listeners) to join in (opportunity to participate)
  • the participants in the meeting must have the same level of knowledge (level of information)

A computer with a microphone, speakers (preferably a headset) and a webcam, a tablet or a smartphone is required for the exam.

Final documents

They can be collected from the Dean's Office during opening hours approximately 2 weeks after the examination (separate notification will be sent out).

Questions about completing the doctorate?

TCH doctorate completion