Excellent research deserves to be supported: TU Wien offers its scientists attractive research funding opportunities. The TU Wien funding programmes are tailored specifically to the needs of researchers at TU Wien. Hence, in basic research as well as applied research and development, strengths are reinforced and the accent is on research for the future.

Information on external funding programmes can be found on the pages of the TU Wien service units National Funding Support and European and International Resesarch Support, opens an external URL in a new window

The calls for the TU funding programmes are noticed via the University Gazette, opens an external URL in a new window.


TU Austria: Funding for the Initiation and Application Phase of Horizon Europe Project Proposals

The “TU Austria: Funding for the Initiation and Application Phase of Horizon Europe Project Proposals” program aims to encourage cooperation between TU Austria universities in EU calls under Pillars 2 (“Global Challenges and Europe's Industrial Competitiveness”) and 3 (“Innovative Europe”) of Horizon Europe. The team must consist of at least two TU Austria partner universities, with one ideally acting as the project coordinator. Funding includes up to €15,000 for coordinators and up to €5,000 for partners.

Leitfaden, opens in new window / Template, opens in new window

Innovative Projects

Through the Innovative Projects internal competitive funding programme, TU Wien supports scientifically ambitious project ideas from all faculties. Particular value is placed on inter-faculty collaborations. Depending on the latest call for proposals, pioneering ideas from young researchers are supported with infrastructure or staff. The innovative nature of the project being supported is evaluated under a peer review process and then discussed in a panel meeting.


TOP/Start-up programme

Through its TOP/Start-up programme, TU Wien promotes research projects within the key areas defined by the faculties. The faculties are thus able either to strengthen established fields of expertise or promote the establishment of pioneering areas of research. The programme supports both basic research projects and applied research and development, and makes funds available for staff or infrastructure.
The call is issued once during a rectorate period. 


Doctoral programmes

Learning from the best – that is what is on offer from doctoral programmes (DKs) financed by TU Wien. They allow the next generation of scientists to gain an excellent inter-disciplinary training based on the best of international research. Important elements of the funding of a doctoral programme by TU Wien include a multi-disciplinary approach to education in the university’s top research fields and the provision of 5–10 tutors for up to ten student.

further information (TUW doctoral school)

Collaboration Centres

In 2002, the setting up of ‘internal TU collaborative, multi-disciplinary research projects’ – TU Collaboration Centres, for short – provided a funding channel that was also intended to support current ‘bottom-up’ development in research. The ‘Multi-Faculty Collaboration Centre’ channel was designed to act as the first level of cross-subject/cross-faculty collaboration among research groups at TU Wien, also including researchers from other universities where relevant, as a springboard for research collaboration projects. Collaboration Centres.

Collaboration Centers


A range of awards provides an attractive stimulant to research for PhD and post-doctoral students at TU Wien, which are also partially funded by external persons and institutions. Research achievements of PhD projects are being awarded, as well as PhD students aided with their research activities, and junior scientists supported for international mobility. 
