[Translate to English:] Menschen, die im Kreis stehen und die Hände übereinanderlegen, wobei man nur die Hände sieht

Who or what is the ÖH?

In Austria, there is a federal representation of students - the Austrian National Union of Students, opens an external URL in a new window. Students are mandatory members of the ÖH and are required to pay the students' union fee ("ÖH fee") each semester to be admitted to a study programme or to ensure proper continuation of their studies.

The ÖH is structured into several levels: the federal representation, the university representation, and the student representation. The federal representation advocates for students' interestes nationwide, the university representation (which is the HTU, opens an external URL in a new window at TU Wien) represents students at their respective university and the student representation advocates for the interests of students in one of more study programmes at a university. 

The student representation is elected every two years by its members - the students. 

All relevant information regarding the ÖH elections will be provided on this webpage by the election comission