The election days and deadlines have been announed with the Verordnung über die Wahltage der Hochschülerinnen- und Hochschülerschaftswahl 2025 (Link in German), opens an external URL in a new window by the Ministry of Education, Science and Research. 

Election Days

Tuesday, 13.5.2025
Wednesday, 14.5.2025
Thursday, 15.5.2025

Important Dates and Deadlines

25.3.2025: Right to Vote

In order to be eligible to vote in this election, you must have paid your student union fee ("ÖH fee") for the summer semester by March 25th, 2025. 

25.3.2025: Election proposals and Candidacy

From this point in time election proposals (until 8.4.2025) and proposals for elections of the study representation (until 17.4.2025) can be handed in. 

3.4.2025: Apply for voting card

From this point in time you can apply for a voting card until 6.5.2025
You can do so online, opens an external URL in a new window

3.4.2025: Electoral roll: Right of access

Are you eligible to vote? Then please take a look at the electoral roll between 3.4. and 8.4.2025. You can do so online at the ÖH's election protal, opens an external URL in a new window.

If you are not on the electoral roll but have reported your continuation before 25.3.2025 you can submit your written appeal with the election commission (

If you are not on the electoral roll, you cannot vote!