Based on its autonomous decision to remain at its current city location, TU Wien, the largest research and education institution in the fields of technology and natural sciences in Austria, has initiated the project "TU Univercity."

The main features of the project are the building projects that will create new research and teachings competencies, and the impetus to further develop a self-conscious, future-oriented university culture.

Kuppelsaal people sitting at tables, speaker on stage
© TU Wien / Matthias Heisler

Green Events: First-class teamwork as part of the Best Teaching Awards creates sustainable change at TU Wien.

Photo collage of exhibition opening
© Energiepark Bruck/Leitha & Simlab

The results of the interdisciplinary design project “Reimagining Rural Downtowns – Bruck/Leitha” are currently on display in the town hall of Bruck an…


For the location overview or room plans of TU Wien click on the map below or select the respective campus area.

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Campus Gußhaus [Translate to English:] Campus Gußhaus

© TU Wien

Gußhausstraße 25-27, Favoritenstraße 9, 1040 Wien