
Application form for recognition of examinations (PDF), opens in new window

FAQ on the recognition of examinations (PDF), opens in new window

Application for commission examination (PDF), opens an external URL in a new windowUse this form only for oral examinations, for written examinations please contact the responsible institute!

Authorization (PDF), opens in new window

List of examination areas of the examiners for the diploma or Master's examination (PDF), opens an external URL in a new window

Information for writing the 1st page of the thesis (PDF), opens in new window


Application for admission to the viva voce examination (PDF), opens in new window

Dissertation agreement (PDF), opens an external URL in a new window

Guidelines of the Dean of Academic Affairs for the courses to be completed as part of the doctorate (PDF), opens an external URL in a new window

Information for the 1st page of the dissertation (PDF), opens in new window

Guidelines on the writing of cumulative dissertations (PDF), opens in new window

Information sheet for authors of dissertations (PDF), opens in new window

Note: The uploaded work can, but does not have to be personally signed.

External examiners and commission members

Guidelines for the reimbursement of costs of external examiners, guest lecturers and external committee members (PDF), opens in new window

Admission examination commissioner (PDF), opens in new window

Admission examination commissioner (without bank details) (PDF), opens an external URL in a new window

Guest professors and lecturers

Guest professor application, opens an external URL in a new window

Declaration of tax liability for guest professors and lecturers (PDF), opens an external URL in a new window

Accounting for guest and appointment lecturers or external examiners (PDF), opens in new window

Accounting for guest and appointment lecturers or external examiners English (PDF), opens in new window

COST applications

Preparation for the entry into force of new COST actions (PDF), opens in new window

CA17121 - Correlated Multimodal Imaging in Life Sciences (COMULIS) (PDF), opens in new window

CA16101 - MULTI-modal Imaging of FOREnsic SciEnce Evidence - tools for Forensic Science (MultiForeSee) (PDF), opens in new window