You can find more information about the respective course by clicking on the corresponding tile. Information regarding the courses are available in TISS, opens an external URL in a new window.


Preceding the start of the official admission an orientation phase, consisting of an online-self-assessment, the E-Chem Test and a counselling interview has to be conducted.
The Program-Pre-Phase is intended as vocational orientation, it is available in German only.

Bachelor's Programs

The Bachelor's Program provides a solid scientific basic eduation with an emphasis on practical orientation. The regular study period is 6 Semesters, on successful completion of the program, the degree "Bachelor of Science (BSc)" is awarded.

Bachelor's Program Technical Chemistry

Person in white lab coat holding test tube

In the Bachelor's degree course in Technical Chemistry, you will acquire basic chemical knowledge, practical skills for working in a chemical laboratory, an understanding of the implementation of chemical processes on a large industrial scale and the framework conditions that apply, and general scientific and technical knowledge and skills that can be used beyond the field of chemistry.

Bachelor’s Program Chemical and Process Engineering (interfaculty)

Process engineering equipment

Process engineering is an interdisciplinary engineering science, with the fundamentals and applications of technical chemistry and mechanical engineering forming the focus of the course. A broad education in these two disciplines is therefore offered, giving students a solid foundation.

Bachelor's Program Environmental Engineering (interfaculty)

Tile windows on people, the environment and technology

Environmental engineering is concerned with identifying, analyzing and solving complex problems relating to people, the environment and technology. Accordingly, this degree course is of great current and future importance. Graduates find jobs in both the public and private sectors, for example in planning offices, laboratories or environmental testing laboratories.

Master's Programs

Building on the knowledge gained in the Bachelor's program, or a compareable education, the Master's Programs provide deepend scientific education and a wide range of fields for specialication. The regular study period is 4 Semesters, on successful completion, the degree "Diplom-Ingenieur" / "Diplomingenieurin" "(Dipl.-Ing.)" (Master of Science) is awarded. In the course of the Master's Program students compose a scientific thesis, the "Diplomarbeit". The faculty offers Master's Programs with partners from the TU and other universites, which demonstrates the interdisciplinary approach of the faculty.

Master's Programs in Technical Chemistry

Model with molecules

The Master's degree program in Technical Chemistry provides an in-depth, scientifically and methodologically high-quality education geared towards long-term knowledge, which opens the way for graduates to pursue further scientific and technical qualifications (doctoral studies), as well as enabling them to work in the chemical industry in particular and making them internationally competitive.

Interuniversity Master's programs

Master's Program Chemistry and Technology of Materials (TU Wien/Uni Wien)

Molecular model

Graduates of the degree program have a broad understanding of the relationships between the composition, structure and morphology of materials and their chemical and physical properties, based on chemical and physical principles. Their chemical expertise enables them to synthesize, modify and characterize materials for different requirements.

Master's Program (English-language) Green Chemistry (TU Wien/Boku/Uni Wien)

Laboratory person with pipette

Modern society faces the major challenge of ensuring that a constantly growing population is supplied with energy, food, medicines and everyday necessities in equal measure without continuing to place an excessive burden on the environment. At the same time, greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced in order to curb climate change.

Interfaculty Master's programs

Master's Program Chemical and Process Engineering for Sustainable Production (interfaculty)

Process engineering equipment

This Master's degree program builds on the Bachelor's degree program in Process Engineering at TU Wien, but the curriculum can be adapted for graduates of a number of other related Bachelor's degree programs. As part of the Master's degree program in Process Engineering and Sustainable Production, students can choose between the following two specialisations: Plant and System Engineering and Chemical Engineering.

Master's Program Environmental Engineering (interfaculty)

Honeycomb pattern with different images

Current environmental problems such as climate change, air and water pollution, resource scarcity with increasing waste volumes and flood disasters pose major challenges for society, science and technology. As a result, there is an ever-increasing demand for experts who can identify, analyse and solve complex problems in the context of people, the environment and technology.

Master’s Program Material Sciences (interfaculty, focus on Technical Chemistry)

TU Tower block

The Master's degree program in Materials Science aims to provide a broad and fundamental education in the scientific basis of materials as well as their production, investigation, characterisation and application. In addition to this specialised knowledge, graduates should also be able to assess and consider the social and ecological aspects of new materials.

Master’s Program Biomedical Engineering (interfaculty)

Two men test a biomedical device

Biomedical engineering is the combination of life sciences with traditional engineering sciences. The healthcare sector is placing ever greater and more fascinating technical demands on biomedical engineering under increasing demographic, ethical, ecological and cost pressures. The growth potential of biomedical engineering is highly valued.

Master's Program Computational Science and Engineering (interfaculty)

Computer graphics

The constant progress in science and technology is increasingly dependent on computationally intensive computer simulations. The need to carry out these computer simulations precisely and quickly has led to the international emergence of computational science and engineering as an independent and interdisciplinary field of research.

Admission conditions for the Master's programs

Bachelor's Program Technical Chemistry or completed degree in a relevant subject from a recognised domestic or foreign higher education establishment. Relevant courses include, in particular, bachelor's, master's and other degrees programs in Technical Chemistry and Chemistry.

Admission conditions for the Master's programs Green Chemistry

A selection procedure is carried out PRIOR to admission.

50 places are allocated for the English-language Master's degree course in Green Chemistry each academic year. The allocation of places takes place within the framework of a three-stage selection procedure, which all registered applicants who meet the qualitative admission requirements on the basis of their previous education must go through.

Doctoral Programs

In the Doctoral Program research is carried out independently and documented in a doctoral thesis. The regular study period is 6 Semesters. The Faculty offers Doctoral Programs in Technical Sciences (Dr.techn.) and Natural Sciences (Dr.rer.nat.).

Overview of doctoral programs

Hats are thrown into the air

The doctoral program at TU Wien essentially comprises the student's own scientific research work. The new knowledge acquired makes an important contribution to the development of science. The dissertation at the end of the doctorate summarizes the results of this research work.

Admission conditions for doctoral programs

  • successful completion of a relevant master's, teacher training or other appropriate degree program


  • successful completion of an equivalent degree program at an accredited tertiary educational institution in or out of Austria


  • successful completion of a relevant degree or master's program from a technical college in accordance with § 6 Para. 4 Fachhochschulstudiengesetz (Technical Colleges Act)


  • in the case of non-EU or EEA citizens: possibly also proof of direct admission to doctoral studies in the country of origin of the diploma (special university entrance qualification)


  • a confirmation of supervision from a person with a habilitation (postodoctoral teaching qualification) - it is not possible to complete the doctoral program without supervision.

Doctoral Colleges

In addition to the Doctoral Program, Doctoral Colleges aim to provide young scientists with an excellent and interdisciplinary education based on top international research: currently active doctoral colleges.