In the Large Scale Facility Centers expensive, large scale research devices are communally used and coordinated. The Centers are subordinate to the Vice Rectorate of Research and Innovation.

test tube

The AIC unifies the analytical competence in the field of Analytical Chemistry and is the primary point of contact in the areas: Bioanalysis, Surfaceanalysis, Vibrational Spectroscopy and Microanalytics.

Head: Dr. Annette Foelske

AIC - Analytical Instrumentation Center | TU Wien

NMR device

Together with the University of Vienna, the TUW operates the NMR Network, which serves as primary contact for measuring requests in this area.

Head (TU Wien): Dr. Christian Hametner, opens an external URL in a new window

NMR center, opens an external URL in a new window

research device

The X-Ray Center serves as primary contact for requests in:

  • Qualitative and Quantitative Phase Analytics
  • Radiographical Tension and Texture Analytics
  • Single Crystal Structural Analysis
  • Elemental Analysis

Head: Dr. Klaudia Hradil

XRC - X-Ray Center | TU Wien

electron microscope

The Universitary Service Center for Transmission Electron Microscopy (USTEM) offers structural and chemical analyses - from atom to cell.
The experts at the USTEM have long-term experience in their fields and play important roles in various research projects.

Head: Dr. Johannes Bernardi

USTEM - Electron Microscopy at TU Wien | TU Wien