Employees of the X-ray center sit at the computers in the laboratory.

© Klaus Ranger

X-Ray Center (XRC)

Welcome to the X-ray Center!

The X-ray Center as a central facility of the TU Wien for material characterization by means of X-ray diffraction methods was established in mid-2010. The laboratory rooms could be realized in the new chemical building "Lehargasse" at Getreidemarkt, which was renewed within the infrastructure project TU Univercity 2015. For this purpose, the instruments which were already available at the institutes of the TU Wien were bundled. Substantially supported by the Uniinfra IV project of the BMWF, opens an external URL in a new window, by funds of the University Infrastructure Program (UIP) of the City of Vienna, opens an external URL in a new window and by funds of the TU Wien, the laboratory could be additionally equipped with modern diffractometers and an X-ray fluorescence analyzer. The laboratory and its staff are available to the institutes of the TU Wien as a central contact point for questions concerning material characterization in the following areas:

  •     Qualitative and quantitative phase analysis
  •     X-ray stress and texture analysis
  •     Single crystal structure analysis
  •     Elemental analysis


[Translate to English:] Mitarbeiter des Röntgenzentrums sitzen im Laboratorium an unterschiedlichen Computern.
© Klaus Ranger

Das Röntgenzentrum der TU Wien besteht seit 2010. Ganz unterschiedliche Forschungsprojekte werden dort mit Spitzengeräten und Know-how unterstützt.



Senior Scientist Dipl.-Min.in Dr.in rer.nat.Klaudia Hradil

Head, Service Unit of X-ray Center

Phone: +43 1 58801 406620 Call Klaudia Hradil

Send email to Klaudia Hradil

Show room BF04G02 on the map , opens an external URL in a new window

Getreidemarkt 9, 1060 Wien, Österreich

Technische Verantwortung

Dipl.-Ing.Werner Artner

General University Employee, Service Unit of X-ray Center

Phone: +43 1 58801 406627 Call Werner Artner

Send email to Werner Artner

Show room BF03G02 on the map , opens an external URL in a new window

Getreidemarkt 9, 1060 Wien, Österreich