The X-ray center houses numerous instruments for material characterization by X-ray diffraction methods of a wide variety of samples. We also provide space and utensils to prepare samples yourself.
Below is an overview of some of the equipment at the X-ray Center as well as the sample preparation room.
Our devices:
© Klaus Ranger
© Klaus Ranger
- Geometry: ¼ Euler cradle
- Anode: Cu and Mo microfocus X-ray sources
- Monochromatization: multilayer mirrors
- Beam sizes: ∅ 0.2 mm (Cu); 0.2 mm (Mo).
- Distance sample-detector (SD): 40-140 mm.
- Sample movement: ¼ Euler cradle
- Sample adjustment: video adjustment system
- Detector: Dectris Eiger CdTe 1M
- Oxford Cryostream 800 (90 - 400 K)
- Stoe Heatstream (400 - 1000 K)
- Structure elucidation of weakly scattering crystals
- Structure elucidation of complex structures (modulated, twinned)
- Diffuse scattering
© Klaus Ranger
© Klaus Ranger
- Geometry: Θ/Θ- diffractometer; parallel beam
- Anode: Cu microfocus X-ray source
- Monochromatization: Montel mirror
- Beam sizes: 2x2 mm², ∅1, 0.5, 0.3, 0.08 mm
- distance anode-sample (AS): 100 - 300 mm
- Distance sample-detector (SD): 100 - 300 mm
- Sample movement: ¼ Euler cradle; xyz stage (load capacity 2 kg).
- Sample adjustment: video adjustment system with laser
- Detector: Vantec 2000 (angular range 2θ= 32°, ψ= 63° with SD= 220 mm)
- Load frame (planned)
- Qualitative/quantitative phase analyses (e.g. corrosion products, residual austenite analyses)
- Stress analysis (bulk and thin film samples)
- Texture analysis (bulk and thin film samples)
- Microdiffraction (up to beam sizes > 80 μm)
- "Reciprocal space mapping" thin films
© Klaus Ranger
© Klaus Ranger
- Geometry: Θ/Θ - diffractometer; Bragg-Brentano
- Anode: Cu - X-ray source
- Monochromatization: a) Ni filter; b) secondary monochromator graphite
- Beam sizes: variable beam apertures (primary/secondary automatic)
- distance anode-sample (AS): 240 mm
- distance sample-detector (SD): 240 mm
- Sample movement: spinner without sample environment
- Sample changer for 15 samples
- Detector: a) X'Celerator semiconductor detector (2.1°); b) alternatively proportional counter (0D) with graphite monochromator
no option for non-ambient measurements
- Qualitative/quantitative phase analyses under ambient conditions (e.g. routine measurements for synthesis control)
- Reflectance measurements/transmittance measurements
© Klaus Ranger
© Klaus Ranger
- Geometry: Θ/Θ- diffractometer; Bragg-Brentano
- Anode: Cu -X-ray source
- Monochromatization: a) Ni filter; b) secondary monochromator graphite
- Beam sizes: variable beam apertures (primary/secondary automatic)
- distance anode-sample (AS): 240 mm
- distance sample-detector (SD): 240 mm
- Sample movement: spinner without sample environment; fixed for sample environment
- Detector: a) X' Celerator semiconductor detector (2.1°); b) Scintillation detector (0D)
- Closed-cycle cryostat (11K > T < 310 K)
- Anton Paar HTK 1200 N (T < 1200°C); air, nitrogen atmosphere
- Anton Paar XRK 900 reaction chamber (P < 10bar; T < 900°C); gas atmospheres (Ar, H2, CO, CO2, mixtures)
- Anton Paar TTK450 chamber (100K > T < 470K)
- Qualitative/quantitative phase analysis of crystalline fractions
- Amorphous phase fractions
- Crystallite sizes
- Residual austenite analysis
under non-ambient conditions:
- Reflection measurements/transmission measurements
- Capillary measurements
© Klaus Ranger
© Klaus Ranger
- Geometry: Θ/Θ - diffractometer; Bragg-Brentano (focusing mirror; Cu(Kα1,2)), parallel beam geometry (mirror; Cu(Kα1,2)), channel-cut monochromator (CuKα1), GID; capillary/reflectance and transmission geometry
- Anode: Cu/Mo/Ag - X-ray source
- Monochromatization: a) filter (Cu, Mo, Ag); b) mirror (parallel geometry; focusing for Cu anode)
- Beam sizes: variable beam apertures (primary/secondary automatic)
- distance anode-sample (AS): 240 mm
- Distance sample-detector (SD): 240 mm
- Sample movement: spinner without sample environment; fixed for sample environment
- Tilting stage for stress and texture measurements
- Setup for GID measurements on thin films
- Reflectometer attachment
- Detector: a) PIXCel 3D semiconductor detector; b) scintillation detector (0D) for Ag radiation
- Currently not foreseen
- Qualitative/quantitative phase analysis of crystalline components
- Amorphous phase fractions, crystallite sizes, etc.
- Stress/texture measurements
- Reflectometry measurements
- GID measurements on thin films
- Measurements for PD analysis
under ambient conditions:
- Capillary/reflection and transmission geometry
© Klaus Ranger
© Klaus Ranger
- Geometry: 4-circle with kappa geometry
- Anode: Mo X-ray source
- Monochromatization: graphite
- beam size: variable collimators, 0.4-0.8 mm
- distance sample-detector (SD): 36-180 mm
- 2D CCD detector
- Cooling up to 90 K and heating up to 450 K in dry nitrogen atmosphere
- Structure elucidation (organics, organometallics and inorganics).
- Determination of absolute configuration (elements ≥ S)
- Structure function relationships (e.g., nonlinear optical materials)
- Crystallographically challenging problems: stacking fault orders, twins, modulation
- Phase transitions (e.g., magnetic or ferroelectric transitions)
© Klaus Ranger
© Klaus Ranger
X-ray tube SST-mAX
- Anode: Rh standard
- Type: θ/2θ decoupled with Direct Optical Position Sensing (DOPS)
- Angular accuracy: 0.0025° θ and 2θ
Optical path
- Primary collimators: 3 max.: 100, 150, 300, 550, 700 or 4000 μm
Primary beamfilters 4 max.: One may be used as beam stop
Crystals: 8 max.: LiF420, LiF220, LiF200, Ge111 (flat/curved), PE002 (flat/curved), InSb (flat/curved),TlAP coated, PX1, PX4, PX5, PX6, PX7, PX10 - Detectors: Flow, scintillation, sealed Xe in tandem with flow counter as duplex counter (optional), Hi-Per Scint (optional)
Counting electronics
- Type: Dual multi channel analyser with digital signal processor
Sample handling
- Types: Solid, fused beads, filters, pressed/loose powders and liquids
- Handling: All samples are fitted in sample holders during measurement. Liquids and loose powders in disposable (P2) liquid cells, which are fitted in liquid sample holders
- Dimensions: 51.5 mm Ø x 40 mm height, maximum
- Weight: Max. 400 g including sample holder
- Sample changer: X-Y changer with priority position for 1 sample (detected) and 2 empty holders with capacity for 8 trays for 8 sample holders and 1 tray for 4 sample holders.
Optional: High-capacity changer up to 209 uncupped samples of 32 mm or 140 uncupped samples of 40 mm diameter - Changer trays: for: 8 sample holders, 8 flex positions, 8 steel rings (Ø 51.5 mm), 21 samples (Ø 25 mm), 12 samples (Ø 32 mm), 10 samples (Ø 41 mm), or 4 sample holders (SPC/monitor tray)
- Loading: Air lock with programmable pumping time, one or two position turret mechanism, sample-surface down, direct loading of unmounted samples in holder in loading position
- Spinner: 0.5 rev/s
Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer for quantitative elemental analysis except Hydrogen, Lithium and Beryllium in solid state materials.
Sample preparation:
© Klaus Ranger
© Klaus Ranger
© Klaus Ranger
© Klaus Ranger
© Klaus Ranger
© Klaus Ranger
© Klaus Ranger
© Klaus Ranger