Master completion
At the Faculty of Technical Chemistry, registration takes place via the TISS information system, opens an external URL in a new window.
When writing your thesis, please observe the Code of Conduct, which sets out the principles of good scientific practice at TU Wien.
If you would like to write a diploma or master's thesis in cooperation with a partner from industry, please refer to the guidlines for the processing of industrial bachelor's and diploma theses, opens an external URL in a new window and the associated cost reimbursements.
The topic of a diploma or master's thesis must be registered in writing with the Dean of Academic Affairs before work begins. Please ask your supervisor to register you for the desired topic in the TISS information system and to print out the registration form. The registration form must be signed by your supervisor and submitted to the Dean's Office as soon as possible.
The diploma or master's thesis must be bound in A4 format as a hardcover. The first page must be written according to the cover page (see under point: “Forms”), otherwise there are no further regulations on the part of the Dean's Office.
The Graphic Center, opens an external URL in a new window of TU Wien offers binding in the corporate design of TU Wien.
Note: The uploaded thesis can, but does not have to be signed by hand.
The exclusion from use is initially issued for two years and can be extended once upon request for a maximum of three further years (blocking period) if an application to this effect is submitted to the academic law body in good time before the end of the first blocking period and the requirements pursuant to § 86 para. 4 UG continue to be met.
Blocked theses cannot be borrowed and viewed in the library during this period (this also applies to the abstract of the thesis).
The assessment takes the form of a report and must be submitted to the Dean of Academic Affairs. It must be submitted to the Dean's Office at least one week before the intended examination date.
The seminar for diploma students (diploma seminar or accompanying seminar for the diploma thesis, SE 2 ECTS or 1.5 ECTS) is an integral part of the diploma thesis examination subject.
It must be completed at the institute where the student is supervised. If this is not the case, a confirmation of participation in the diploma seminar must be obtained from the responsible coordinator of the respective institute.
For E163 - Institute for Applied Synthetic Chemistry: Dr. Florian Rudroff
For E164 - Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics: Dr. Paul Linhardt or Dr. Martina Marchetti-Deschmann
For E165 - Institute of Materials Chemistry: Dr. Günther Rupprechter or Dr. Karin Föttinger
For E166 - Institute of Process Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Technical Biosciences, Department of Process Engineering: Dr. Franz Winter or Dr. Bartl
For E166 - Institute of Process Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Technical Biosciences, Department of Biotechnology: Dr. Bernhard Seiboth
The Master's degree is applied for via TISS, opens an external URL in a new window. Please make an appointment with your three examiners in advance and clarify whether the examination will be held in presence, hybrid or via video conference and indicate this when submitting your application.
Please arrange the examination date for your diploma examination from Monday to Thursday, as the study program is occupied on these days.
To simplify matters, it is advisable to appear in person at the Dean's Office for submissions for the diploma examination and to clarify any ambiguities on site.
Please contact Linda Schachinger ( to arrange an appointment and to submit your documents in person (or send all documents in one E-mail) 4 weeks before the scheduled diploma examination date.
Please inform your supervisor that the diploma thesis must be uploaded to TISS 4 weeks before the planned diploma examination date and remind them to send the report on time, which must also be received at least 1 week before the planned date.
- Passport (and marriage certificate if applicable)
- Record of studies
- Course certificates that could not be clearly assigned
- Certificate of the diploma seminar (only for the Master's degree program in Technical Chemistry and the Master's degree program in Computational Science and Engineering)
- Certificates of the elective exercises (only for the Master's program in Technical Chemistry)
- Complete transcript of records
- Notification and certificate of previous studies and (if applicable) notification of admission to studies
- Notifications (recognition of courses)
- UHStat2-Confirmation
- a hard-bound version of the thesis (please hand in with your own signature on the first page of the thesis)
- Application for restriction of use (if applicable)
- if external examiners participate, please also send us the corresponding form (PDF)
The hard-bound thesis can be submitted later, but MUST be handed in at least 1 week before the scheduled deadline!
The following criteria must be met for the final examination via video conference:
- All participants must be in agreement
- Mutual audibility and mutual visibility (reciprocity)
- Voice, facial expressions and gestures must be realistically perceptible (authenticity)
- Data transmission must take place via secure channels (confidentiality)
- it must be possible for other people (listeners) to join in (opportunity to participate)
- the participants in the session must have the same level of knowledge (level of information)
A computer with microphone, loudspeaker (preferably headset) and a webcam, tablet or smartphone is required for the examination.
Final documents
They can be collected from the Dean's Office during opening hours approximately 2 weeks after the examination (separate notification will be sent out).