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We are a research group established in 2021 at TU Wien working on the intersection of the fields of catalysis and chemical engineering. Our research focuses on the development of novel catalytic materials and reactors for the sustainable production of chemicals. Our main objective is to generate new strategies in thermal catalysis, encompassing the catalyst nanostructure, the reaction conditions and reactor design, to overcome the current limitations of implementation of sustainable processes.

In a circular economy, reactors and catalysts must be capable to adapt to changing feedstock and reaction conditions while keeping optimal activity and selectivity to key products. We investigate the properties and performance of multifunctional catalysts based on the combination of metal oxides, acid zeolites and metal ions hosted in zeolites.

Activity and selectivity of the materials in relationship with the relevant steps of catalytic mechanisms are evaluated by catalytic tests at lab-scale reactors and temperature-programmed surface reactions. In situ and operando spectroscopies allow monitoring the dynamics of active surfaces and their response to changing chemical potentials.


Nicole and Maricruz at the women's run

© MS, NM

+++ 6.6.2024: Maricruz and Nicole on the Women's Run +++

Part of our team participated in the Frauenlauf (Women’s Run), which was held in Vienna’s iconic Prater park. Maricruz celebrated her 10 km run as part of the FemChem, opens an external URL team together with Frieda Kapsamer and Katharina Ehrmann, opens an external URL in a new window, and Nicole together with friends. Congrats!

The Team at ALBA


+++ 14.03.2024: Next round of Synchrotron experiments at ALBA +++

We successfully completed four rather exhausting days at the ALBA Synchrotron near Barcelona, collecting operando spectroscopy at the NOTOS beamline. Stelios seems to be quite happy with the exciting data from in-situ X-ray absorption and X-ray diffraction obtained for his Fe-based catalysts, but now he has to put in many more days into data analysis. Many thanks to Noelia Barrabes (head of the ClusCAT team) for guiding us and taking the night shifts together with Stelios, while Maricruz and Christian oversaw day shifts. Special thanks for Carlo Marini from ALBA for his extraordinary assistance with the experiments! After four days of hard work, we went for a Calçotada, a traditional Catalan dish involving grilled green onions being dunked in Romesco sauce (but NOT in Aioli, that is where Catalan people draw the line, apparently!) and eating it in a very peculiar position.

+++ 12.01.2024: Take a look at our open MSc positions +++

Looking for an exciting 6 months investigating catalysts for a sustainable production of aviation fuels or CO2 utilization? We have a few open positions for Master students wanting to contribute to our research. Have a look at our adverts!

[Translate to English:] Top: Group Photo. Bottom: Dinner.


+++ 11.09.2023: Our group at Europacat 2023 in Prague +++

Maricruz Sanchez-Sanchez, opens an external URL in a new window, Mireia, Stelios, and Christian, had the opportunity to attend to the XVth Europacat conference in Prague. This bi-yearly conference unites researchers working with catalysis around Europe and the world, presenting their newest research in catalyst design and characterization, CO2 valorization, biomass utilization, electrocatalysis, and many more. Mireia Palma Cazorla, opens an external URL in a new window, Stylianos Spyroglou, opens an external URL in a new window, and Christian Schröder, opens an external URL in a new window all presented posters of their work on Monday’s poster session, which resulted in many discussions and new impulses for future investigations.

In total, there were more than 1800 participants, within them a good representation of TU Wien current and formerly affiliated researchers: the TUCAS group led by Christoph Rameshan, opens an external URL in a new window (now Montanuniversität Leoben), Karin Foettinger, opens an external URL in a new window’s Technical Catalysis group, the ClusCAT Lab nanocluster catalysis research group, opens an external URL in a new window by Noelia Barrabés Rabanal, opens an external URL in a new window, and Irina Delidovich, opens an external URL in a new window’s group. It was also great to enjoy some time together, seeing sights like the castle or the Charles bridge, and enjoying Prague via its beverages and food. In the end, it was a wonderful trip for all of us, and we are looking forward to the next Europacat in Trondheim in 2025. Na zdravi!