Academic Career - Yes or No?

What sparked the idea of this study?

During a workshop about ‘Identity and Diversity’, we had the idea to initiate a comprehensive study to examine the situation of young scientists at the Faculty of Technical Chemistry at TU Wien. The study was launched in 2019 in collaboration with the Faculty of Technical Chemistry and the department of Gender Competence.


Schematic of the study concept

Study concept

The first part comprises an analysis by means of descriptive statistics of gender distribution from2013 to 2018 and was part of a master’s thesis entitled “Gender-specific Representation at the Faculty of Technical Chemistry at the TU Vienna”, opens an external URL in a new window. The thesis was written by Verena Mrazky, MA at the Department of Sociology at the University of Vienna under the co- supervision of ao. Mag.a Eva Flicker and Mag.a Angela Wroblewski.

The second part Work and career perspectives of young scientists at the Faculty of Technical Chemistry at TU Wien, opens an external URL in a new window is based on discussions in focus groups and a subsequent online survey. This part of the project was conducted by Bettina Stadler (FORBA). Stadler is a sociologist and, in addition to her work at FORBA, is also a staff member of the Equality and Gender Studies Unit at the Danube University Krems. Previous activities include work at Statistik Austria and the Institute for Economic Sociology. She teaches quantitative methods of empirical social research at the University of Vienna.

The third part of the study Survey of the supervisors and academic advisors, qualitative analysis, opens an external URL in a new window was conducted by Marita Haas. Marita Haas is a management consultant with a focus on gender consulting. In addition to numerous positions in business, the doctor of economics researched gender & diversity in organizations at the University of Vienna, the TU Wien and the University of Göttingen. She critically examines conventional women*-only formats and advises companies and NGOs on the development of gender-sensitive processes and structures.

We are happy to note that the interest in the outcome of this study reached the Ministerium. Originally, it was planned a personal visit from the Minister Mrs. Susanne Raab for November 2020 to the Faculty of Chemistry, but due to the COVID situation, it had to be postponed.

The study was launched in 2019 and completed in 2020 in collaboration of FemChem, the Faculty of Technical Chemistry and Gender Competence. You can find the results of the study here, opens an external URL in a new window (DOI: 10.34726/281; in German) and now the Executive Summary in English is available as well and ready for download here, opens an external URL in a new window.

Further reading (in German):