H. Danninger (left) R. Krska (right)

Dean Danninger (left) awards Prof. Krska (right) the Zsigmondy Medal

Rudolf Krska completed his studies in technical chemistry at the TU Wien, where he also received his doctorate and his habilitation. In 2008 he was appointed professor for bioanalytics and organic trace analysis at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences. Since 2010 he is Head of the IFA in Tulln, which in the almost two decades of its existence has already developed into an internationally renowned research center.

The IFA is a joint institution of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, the University of Veterinary Medicine and the TU Wien. With around 140 employees, the institute is now one of the most important European centers of excellence in the field of analytical chemistry. The focus of research at the IFA is on the development of analysis methods for biological substances such as allergens or fungal toxins and in the area of ​​quality assurance for environmental pollutants such as heavy metals or pesticides in water.
Rudolf Krska holds several courses at the TU Wien and continues to work closely with various research groups at the TUW. This successful cooperation between the IFA Tulln and the TU Wien is to be further expanded in the future.

On November 22, 2013, Rudolf Krska received the Zsigmondy Medal. It was presented by Prof. Herbert Danninger, Dean of the Faculty of Technical Chemistry.