Gürkan Sin

Gürkan Sin is a professor at the Process and Systems Engineering (PROSYS) centre at DTU Chemical Engineering. Dr Sin is working in the field of process systems engineering and its application for the life sciences industries.  The research aims to advance systematic computer-aided methods for the design, operation and optimization of processes and systems for life sciences, biopharma, biotech and water industries. Dr Sin pioneered innovative use of Monte Carlo methods for engineering use of models for process innovation, scale-up, control and optimization in the life science industries.


Methodological research: Monte Carlo Simulations | Process Systems Engineering | Optimization under uncertainty | Machine learning/AI | Global Sensitivity Analysis | Process Modeling and Simulation | Process Design and control. Domain applications: Life science industries: water, biotechnology and biopharmaceuticals, Bioenergy/Biorefinery, Food industry. 


2004      PhD - Faculty of Applied Biological Sciences/Department of Applied Mathematics, Biometrics and Process Control (BIOMATH), Ghent University, Belgium

2000      MSc - Faculty of Engineering/ Department of Environmental Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Turkey


2008 – 2010     Assistant professor, TU Chemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark

2007 – 2008     Postdoctoral researcher, DTU Chemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark

2004 – 2007     Postdoctoral researcher, Faculty of Applied Biological Sciences/BIOMATH, Ghent University, Belgium

2000 – 2004     PhD candidatem, Faculty of Applied Biological Sciences/BIOMATH, Ghent University, Belgium

1998 – 2000     Teaching Assistant, Department of Environmental Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Turkey


2015-2019     Coordinator of  ModLife ITN project funded by EC H2020 with 4.2 millon Euro budget: The project brings together 5 leading European universities, 4 global industrial players and 2 SMEs in the life sciences and biotechnology sector to undertake research and training of 15 ESRs (PhDS) at the frontier of product-process innovation, optimization, monitoring and control for life sciences and biotechnology industries (www.modlife.eu).

2016-2019     Coordinator of Propharm Project funded by FTP with 6.4 million DKK budget: The project brings together two Danish Universities (DTU&SDU) and two Danish Pharmaceutical companies (Leo pharma and Lundbeck) and aims to promote advanced modeling and optimization with strategic experimentation to speed up development, optimization and scale up of  pharma processes, in particular crystallisation.

2018/2019    IChemE Hutchison Medal Winner 2018/19 for a co-authored paper in Chemical Engineering Research and Design.

2018     Best paper award in Process Systems Engineering (PSE-2018) conference, San Diego USA.

2017     Co-supervisor of DTU’s Young researcher award of the year in 2016-2017 (PhD student Lisa Mears)

2017     Best paper award at ESCAPE-27/WCCE 2017, Barcelona, Spain.

2014     Co-authored 2013 Best Paper Award in Computers and Chemical Engineering.

2014     Supervisor of DTU’s PhD thesis of the year award in 2013-2014 (PhD student Anna K Vangsgaard)

2013     Computers & Chemical Engineering Most Cited Articles Award - 2010 – 2012.

2013     Computers & Chemical Engineering Award of Excellence in Reviewing.

2013     Prunescu R, Sin G et al, 2013, American Control Conference (ACC) , Washington, DC, USA, 17-19 June, Best Presentation in Session Award.

2008     DFF individual postdoc grant, The Danish Council for Independent Research. The grant executed at DTU Chemical Engineering /Denmark

2007     H.C. Ørsted Postdoc Scholarship, DTU Chemical Engineering/Technical University of Denmark (DTU)/Denmark

1998     Graduated top first of the class 1998 Department of Environmental Engineering / Middle East Technical University/Turkey