14.03.2025: Aleksandra Lebedeva, Martina Marchetti-Deschmann, Victor Weiss and Nora Wolf participated with in total 3 lectures and 4 posters at this years ANAKON in Leipzig.

07.03.2025: We congratulate Martina Marchetti-Deschmann on her new appointment as Vice-Rector for Research at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna!

27.02.2025: Last week we successfully held the 35th MassSpec Forum 2025 from February 19 - 20 at TU Wien.

[Translate to English:] 35th MassSpec Forum Photo 1
[Translate to English:] 35th MassSpec Forum Photo 2
[Translate to English:] 35th MassSpec Forum Photo 3

09.01.2025: Samuele Zoratto presents a talk on "Exploring Skin Aging through a Spatial-Multiomics Imaging Approach“ in our institute's seminar.

19.12.2024: We wish you a joyful and festive holiday season an all the best for 2025!

18.12.2024: A Precellys Evolution Touch Homogenizer could be purchased for the efficient homogenization of tissue samples (Hochschuljubiläumsfonds support from the City of Vienna to Antonia Malissa and Elias Ellersdorfer).

[Translate to English:] Precellys Evolution Touch Homogenizer

17.12.2024: The website of the 35th Mass Spec Forum in February 2025 at TU Wien is online!

06.11.2024: Ivana Leščić Ašler (Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia) is joining us as visiting scientist in November - welcome to the group!

30.10.2024: We congratulate Fatima Yaghi on her poster award for the presentation of “Synthesis and Performance Evaluation of Dual-Click Sulfonamide Tetrazines” at the Austrian Chemistry Days 2024!

22.10.2024: We congratulate Ms Dipl. Ing.in Jessica Pichler on finishing her PhD thesis! Well done Jessi!

16.10.2024: We started preparations for the 35th Mass Spec Forum in February 2025 at TU Wien - please stay tuned!

04.09.2024: Welcome to our group at TU Wien!

[Translate to English:] Gruppenphoto der MSBPA Gruppe

From left to right: Elias Ellersdorfer, Ernst Pittenauer, Samuele Zoratto, Raphaela Jansky, Ralf Haider, Fatima Yaghi, Jan Kleibl, Alessia Di Noi, Peter Sandbichler, Michael Wolf, Victor Weiss, Martina Marchetti-Deschmann, Antonia Malissa, Laura Pfeifer