Shimadzu iMLayer Aero

[Translate to English:] Ein Wissenschafter arbeitet mit dem Aero Instrument.

The iMLayer AERO from Shimadzu is a highly specialized instrument for precise matrix application in mass spectrometry imaging (MSI). Thanks to the innovative, nebulizer-assisted spraying technique in a controlled nitrogen atmosphere, the device guarantees uniform and gentle matrix coating. This method is insensitive to environmental influences such as humidity, which ensures high homogeneity of the sample coating. The nozzle of the iMLayer AERO can be easily removed and cleaned in an ultrasonic bath, which further increases the reproducibility of the coating processes and thus ensures consistently high data quality.

HTX Sprayer

[Translate to English:] HTX (TM) Sprayer

The HTXTM Sprayer is an indispensable tool in our laboratory for sample preparation in mass spectrometry imaging (MSI). Known for its reliability and reproducibility, this device delivers homogeneous coatings of sample surfaces by matrix or enzymatic solutions. Its ability to apply matrix or enzyme solutions uniformly is key to achieving high quality imaging and reproducible results. The presence of the HTXTM Sprayer in our laboratory enables us to perform imaging mass spectrometry at the highest level and ensure precision and accuracy in our work.


[Translate to English:] Zwei Wissenschafter arbeiten mit der Sublimationsapparatur.

In addition to our matrix sprayers, our working group has a specially designed sublimation unit for matrix coating of samples. In contrast to spray technology, the matrix is applied here under vacuum conditions in a sublimation chamber. The phase transition of the matrix from the gaseous to the solid phase results in extremely small crystals, which enable an extraordinary homogeneity of the matrix layer. As no organic solvents are used during the sublimation process, lateral diffusion of the analytes is prevented, which leads to a significantly higher local resolution in our experiments.


[Translate to English:] MALDI HIPLEX-IHC Instrument

Recently, we were able to expand sample preparation in our lab with the emerging MALDI HIPLEX immunohistochemistry (MALDI HIPLEX-IHC) technology from AmberGen® for improved targeted mass spectrometric imaging (MSI). MSI of intact proteins is typically hampered by low sensitivity and insufficient mass resolution and requires bottom-up proteomics approaches, MS/MS fragmentation and high mass resolution for analyte identification. The straightforward workflow of this new technology now enables an approach that combines the analysis of small molecules, such as lipids and glycans, with the targeted analysis of intact proteins and other macromolecules in the same sample. The method is based on photocleavable, unique markers that enable the detection of more than 100 analytes in a single scan. The method can be applied to fresh as well as frozen and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue.



[Translate to English:] Ein Wissenschafter bedient ein Kryotom.

The Epredia™ CryoStar™ NX50 cryostat is a high-precision instrument for the production of ultra-thin tissue sections whose integrity is maintained at low temperatures. It is therefore essential for the preparation of tissue sections, for example for imaging procedures such as MALDI MSI. The use of the CryoStar™ NX50 cryostat enables researchers in our group to analyze the spatial distribution of proteins, lipids and other biomolecules in tissues and thus gain insights into cellular structures.