Abstract submission

Please submit your abstract as .doc or .docx file via email

  • to: MSForumVienna(a)tuwien.ac.at with the
  • Subject line: "Abstract submission to 35th MassSpec Forum".
  • File Name: abstract_oral_surname_firstname.docx OR abstract_poster_surname_firstname.docx).
  • Your abstract can only be considered AFTER registration

your email should contain the following information:

Family name
Given name
Abstract submission for an oral or poster presentation
I have registered already for the conference (y/n)

Please prepare your abstract according to the template as found below.

Posters & Oral Information

  • Oral presentation slots are scheduled for 20 min incl. discussion after the presentation. Therefore, please time your presentation to 15 min to allow for one or two questions from the audience.
  • Posters should be prepared in A0 portrait format. Material to hang posters will be available on site. 

Please note that English is the official language of the conference.