Our main field of interest is investigation of the mechanical properties of materials with special focus on their fatigue response. We develop innovative mechanical testing methods and set-ups to study the reliability, microstructural degradation, crack initiation and failure mechanisms of materials based on fundamental principles of material science and finite element simulations. A further field of expertise is design and development of innovative measurement and characterization methods for miniaturized materials and structures covering a broad range of applications including fundamental material research as well as rapid qualification and screening techniques for microelectronic components.

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Testing equipment and set-ups

  • Ultrasonic resonance fatigue testing systems, working at 20 kHz and 36 kHz, including the following testing configurations and set-ups:
  • Symmetrical tension-compression loading mode for gigacycle fatigue testing of various bulk samples
  • Dynamic three and four point bending loading set-up for fatigue testing and crack growth measurements of brittle composite materials and multilayered structures
  • Optical system and software for crack growth rate measurements / determination of stress intensity factors
  • Set-up for high cycle fatigue testing of miniaturized specimens
  • Air and water cooling systems and testing at elevated temperatures are available 
  • BAMFIT Tester (Bondtec Accelerated Mechanical Fatigue Interconnection Test) https://www.fsbondtec.at/portfolio/bamfit-tester/ 
  • Dynamic set-up for thin film delamination
  • Acoustic Emission system for non-destructive failure detection, Xarion Eta 100 ultra membrane free optical microphone with QASS Optimizer 4D
  • Piezoelectric shaker systems (various types working in pull-push and shear modes)  operating up to ~ 100 kHz
  • Ultrasonic transducer for non-contact excitation / modal analysis of small parts
  • Electromagnetic shaker systems operating up to ~ 10 kHz
  • Differential Laser Doppler Vibrometers type Polytec CLV 1000, set-up for 3D vibration measurements available
  • Micro-tensile machines with load capacities in the range of 1N to 1000N, suitable for determination of tensile properties and low cycle fatigue tests of small-scaled samples, jigs for 3 and 4 point bending test, testing at elevated temperatures possible
  • Tensile machine with load capability up to 5000N   
  • Bond shear and pull tester
  • Laser speckle extensometers for non-contact strain measurements: gauge length from ~ 0.5mm up to 40mm
  • Laser speckle interferometer for thermal strain measurements
  • Soldering reflow furnace
  • Thermal chamber for heat treatment
[Translate to English:] 4PB-Delamination-Setup
[Translate to English:] BAMFIT
[Translate to English:] 3PB-ultrasonic fatigue set-up
[Translate to English:] experiment