
Portrait photograph of Jakob Blaschke

Our long-time group member Jakob Blaschke has now started his PhD degree in our group. After his Bachelor studies at the Technical University Vienna,…

Dominik Eder, Tushar Gupta and Alexey Cherevan

Congratulations to newly minted Dr. Tushar Gupta for his excellent work on "Growth, Characterization and Application of 2D Pnictogens - Graphene…

Image of a surface created with a scanning photon microscope

A surprising discovery: A catalyst seems to contradict usual laws and can exhibit completely different activity states at the same time.

[Translate to English:] Samar Batool bei ihrem CYSS Vortrag

Samar Batool and Stephen Myakala presented our recent work on thiomolybdate clusters at the CataLight Young Scientist Symposium (CYSS).

picture of metal oxide photocatalysts

Vivien Madi had successfully defended her graduation work entitled "Synthesis and control of nanostructured mixed metal oxide photocatalysts".