Seminarreihe "Fokus Materialchemie"

The seminar series of the Institute of Materials Chemistry will take place in presence in the summer semester 2024/25. The semester program will be available here. A list of held sessions and their abstracts can be found in the archive.

I ask for the submission of the presentations that should be held as part of the institute seminar in the coming semester. Ideally, two students can present a thesis on one date (20 min + 10 min discussion each) (for registration modalities see TISS).

Invited speakers have a whole session (45 min + 15 min discussion) for their presentation. Please submit interesting proposals.

Please send abstracts to and using the template.

Download Template, opens an external URL in a new window


Please be present 20 minutes before the session and let me know if you need a laptop with WLAN. By default, the sessions will take place in the following seminar room:

Seminarraum BA 05
Getreidemarkt 9
1060 Wien
Technical equipment at:, opens an external URL in a new window

ZOOM transmissions under the following ID: 983 0066 2349, opens an external URL in a new window (Warteraum)

If you have any questions, please contact me:

Johannes Zeininger

+43 1 58801 165133

Wintersemester 2024/25

(last updated: 13.03.2025)


Wednesday, 26. 02. 2025

A new and versatile titanium-based metal-organic framework for energy and environmental applications, Pablo Ayala, IMC, supervised by Dominik Eder.

Abstract Ayala, opens an external URL in a new window


Thursday, 20. 03. 2025

The Chronicles of Oxide Catalysts: Insights into their Structural Evolution under Operating Conditions, Thomas Lunkenbein, Electron Microscopy, FHI Berlin, invited by Johannes Zeininger/Günther Rupprechter.

Abstract Lunkenbein, opens an external URL in a new window


Thursday, 27. 03. 2025

Accelerated Study of Thermal Transport in Doped GaAs using Neural Network Force Fields, Adrian Worring, IMC, supervised by Georg Madsen.

Abstract Worring, opens an external URL in a new window


Thursday, 03. 04. 2025

Oxide-based Catalysts for Preferential CO Oxidation, Parinya Lewis Tangpakonsab, suprevised by Günther Rupprechter.

Abstract Tangpakonsab, opens an external URL in a new window


Thursday, 10.04.2025, 13:00

Arctic fungi make it rain, Jürgen Gratzl, IMC, supervised by Hinrich Grothe.

Abstract Gratzl, opens an external URL in a new window


Thursday, 15. 05. 2025

TBA, Erwin Rait, IMC, supervised by Georg Madsen.
TBA, Prof. Garry Hanan, Universität Montreal, invited by Dogukan Apaydin/ Alexey Cherevan.


Thursday, 22. 05. 2025

Heuristically Adaptive Diffusion-Model Evolutionary Strategy, Benedikt Hartl, Institut für Physik, TU Wien, invited by Georg Madsen.

Abstract Hartl, opens an external URL in a new window


Thursday, 20.06.2025, 13:00

Photoelectrochemical oxidation of organic C1-molecules on co-catalyst-free bismuth vanadate photoanodes, Nick Parak, IMC, supervised by Dominik Eder/ Dogukan Apaydin.

Abstract Parak, opens an external URL in a new window


Thursday, 26. 06. 2025

MoS2-based catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation to methanol: investigating the interplay between oxides and sulfides, Gustavo Adrade Silva Alves, IMC, supervised by Karin Föttinger.

Abstract Alves, opens an external URL in a new window

TBA, Johannes Jeryczynski, IMC, invited by Bernhard Bayer.


Thursday, 03.07.2025

Ion Beam modified nanocluster catalysts, Daniela Klampfl, IMC, supervised by Noelia Barrabes.
Bimetallische Nanocluster als Katalysatoren für selektive Hydrierungsreaktionen, Sebastian Mößlacher, IMC, supervised by Noelia Barrabes.


Thursday, 10.07.2025

Effectiveness of bio-additives as recycling agents for end-of-use asphalt, Isidora Citic, IMC, supervised by Hinrich Grothe.