Our research group "Industrial Plant Design and Application of Digital Methods" acts as an international research partner for a sustainable utilization of biogenic raw materials and residual resources for the reduction of fossil carbon utilization. Hereby, we activly contribute to a sustainable development of our society. We provide competence for technology development by the use of our experimental infrastructure as well as advanced digital methods. We transfer know-how via academic teaching as well as via cooperative research projects together with our industrial partners. We form the foundation for important decisions in industry and politics. We offer deep know-how in the field of thermo-chemical uitlization of solid fuels and accompany the design and optimization of industrial plants. We offer our research team an international competitive development enviroment for the personal and academic career. We act as at team and contribute valueable solutions to major challenges of our time with reliability and pioneering spirit.

Two project groups are currently working on different issues:

The project group "Sustainable Fuels" is working on research projects in the field of fuel conversion by means of gas generation for the production of sustainable energy carriers such as hydrogen and synthetic natural gas (SNG).

The project group "Carbon Capture and Utilisation" is researching efficient CO2-capture from point sources and also via direct air capture, as well as gaining CO2 with high degrees of purity. The aim is to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere.