[Translate to English:] Foto von Alexander Viernstein


PostDoc in the Research Group Electrochemical Energy Conversion.

Research Interests

In May 2023, following a period of employment within the industry, I returned to TU Wien in order to undertake research on all-solid-state powder-based oxygen ion batteries (OIB). The scope of my research includes material screening, defect chemistry of mixed ionic and electronic conductors, electrochemical analysis methods and process optimisation of manufacturing processes. 

I am particularly interested in the search for electrode materials that are not subject to socio-economic constraints, with a focus on the replacement of Co, La and Y. Additionally, I am fascinated by novel electrochemical analysis methods, which aim to give new insights on the processes taking place in an OIB.

This understanding allows us to investigate key factors such as overpotentials, charge distributions, and diffusion behaviors, enabling us to continuously improve the battery step by step.

When it comes to optimizing the manufacturing process, my focus lies in developing a combined inkjet and screen-printing technique. The fine-tuning of numerous parameters and the continuous improvement of materials as well as processes, fuel my passion for research in this promising field of solid oxide materials every single day.