Publications (peer-reviewed journals only)


  • M. Moser, E. Staufer, T. Klein, J. Horky, M. Schmitz-Niederau, E. Neubauer, L. Trunova,  and C. Edtmaier:
    "Preparation and characterisation of Ti‐6‐4 and Ti‐8‐1‐1 metal matrix composites with high specific stiffness using powder hot extrusion and arc‐remelting"; Advanced Engineering Materials, 2300177. https://10.1002/adem.202400514.
  • M. Klein, E. Staufer, C. Edtmaier, J. Horky, M. Schmitz-Niederau, D. Zhang, D. Qiu, M. Easton, T. Klein:
    "Effects of Heat Treatment and Processing Conditions on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a Novel Ti–6.3Cu–2.2Fe–2.1Al Alloy"; Advanced Engineering Materials, 2400534. https://10.1002/adem.202400534


  • V. Pfaffinger, E. Staufer, C. Edtmaier, A. Arnoldt, M. Schmitz-Niederau, J. Horky and T. Klein:
    "Insights into Phase Evolution and Mechnical Behavior of the Eutectoid Ti-6.4(wt.%)Ni Alloy Modified with Fe and Cr"; Advanced Engineering Materials, 2300177.
  • T. Klein, D. Zhang, E. Staufer, T. Boll, C. Schneider-Broeskamp, C. Edtmaier, M. Schmitz-Niederau, J. Horky, D. Qiu, and. M. Easton:
    "Phase transformation pathways in a Ti-5.9Cu alloy modified with Fe and Al"; Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 27, 4978–4985. https://10.1016/j.jmrt.2023.11.014


  • M. Wolf, C. Edtmaier, R. de Oro Calderon:
    "Influence of carbon on the formation of γ/γ′ microstructure and κ-phase in the WC/Co-Ni-Al-W system: ab initio calculations and experimental studies"; Journal of Materials Science, 57(28), pp. 13779-13799.







  • J. Segl, C. Edtmaier, E. Rosenberg:
    "Influenza dei parametri di processo sulla conducibilità termica in compositi a matrice metallica (MMC) Al-diamante";
    Diamante Applicazioni & Tecnologia, 87 (2016), S. 41 - 49.



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