Publications (High Performance Composites, Edtmaier Lab)
Publications (peer-reviewed journals only)
- M. Moser, E. Staufer, T. Klein, J. Horky, M. Schmitz-Niederau, E. Neubauer, L. Trunova, and C. Edtmaier:
"Preparation and characterisation of Ti‐6‐4 and Ti‐8‐1‐1 metal matrix composites with high specific stiffness using powder hot extrusion and arc‐remelting"; Advanced Engineering Materials, 2300177. https://10.1002/adem.202400514. - M. Klein, E. Staufer, C. Edtmaier, J. Horky, M. Schmitz-Niederau, D. Zhang, D. Qiu, M. Easton, T. Klein:
"Effects of Heat Treatment and Processing Conditions on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a Novel Ti–6.3Cu–2.2Fe–2.1Al Alloy"; Advanced Engineering Materials, 2400534. https://10.1002/adem.202400534
- V. Pfaffinger, E. Staufer, C. Edtmaier, A. Arnoldt, M. Schmitz-Niederau, J. Horky and T. Klein:
"Insights into Phase Evolution and Mechnical Behavior of the Eutectoid Ti-6.4(wt.%)Ni Alloy Modified with Fe and Cr"; Advanced Engineering Materials, 2300177. - T. Klein, D. Zhang, E. Staufer, T. Boll, C. Schneider-Broeskamp, C. Edtmaier, M. Schmitz-Niederau, J. Horky, D. Qiu, and. M. Easton:
"Phase transformation pathways in a Ti-5.9Cu alloy modified with Fe and Al"; Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 27, 4978–4985. https://10.1016/j.jmrt.2023.11.014
- M. Wolf, C. Edtmaier, R. de Oro Calderon:
"Influence of carbon on the formation of γ/γ′ microstructure and κ-phase in the WC/Co-Ni-Al-W system: ab initio calculations and experimental studies"; Journal of Materials Science, 57(28), pp. 13779-13799.
- C. Edtmaier:
"How to Master Interfaces in MMCs with Reactive Constituents";
Materials Science Forum, 1016 (2021), S. 94 - 101. - C. Edtmaier, M. Wolf, R. de Oro Calderon, W.D. Schubert:
"Effect of nickel on the formation of γ/γ´ microstructures in WC/Co-Ni-Al-W";
International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials, 100 (2021), 105652; S. 1 - 15.
- C. Edtmaier, J. Segl, R. Koos, M. Schöbel, C. Feldbaumer:
"Characterization of interfacial bonding strength at Al(Si)/diamond interfaces by neutron diffraction: effect of diamond surface termination and processing conditions";
Diamond and Related Materials, 106 (2020), 107842; S. 1 - 11.
- M. Gorji, S. Sanjabi, C. Edtmaier:
"Combination of electrophoretic and electroless depositions to fabricate Ni/TiC cladding";
Surface Engineering, 36 (2020), 9; S. 929 - 935.
- R. de Oro Calderon, W.D. Schubert, C. Edtmaier:
"Novel binders for WC-based cemented carbides with high Cr contents";
International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials, 85 (2019), S. 105063 - 105080.
- C. Edtmaier, J. Segl, R. Koos, M. Schöbel, C. Feldbaumer:
"Effect of processing conditions on bonding strength at Al(Si)/diamond interfaces";
Key Engineering Materials, 809 (2019), S. 115 - 120.
- M. Gorji, S. Sanjabi, C. Edtmaier, C. Katsich:
"Wear-resistant electrophoretic deposition (EPD) layer of titanium carbide";
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 806 (2019), S. 1323 - 1338.
- C. Edtmaier, J. Segl, E. Rosenberg, G. Liedl, R. Pospichal, A. Steiger-Thirsfeld:
"Microstructural characterization and quantitative analysis of the interfacial carbides in Al(Si)/diamond composites";
Journal of Materials Science, 53 (2018), 22; S. 15514 - 15529.
- S. Greil, C. Edtmaier, R. Haubner, L. Lauter:
"Metallographische Untersuchung an Feingold und einer Gold-Kupferlegierung für die Münzherstellung";
Praktische Metallographie - Practical Metallography, 55 (2018), 6; S. 360 - 369.
- V. Oddone, J. Segl, M. Prakasam, M. Hartmann, J. Silvain, C. Edtmaier, S. Reich:
"Isotropic thermal expansion in anisotropic thermal management composites filled with carbon fibres and graphite";
Journal of Materials Science, 53 (2018), 15; S. 10910 - 10919.
- M. Gorji, C. Edtmaier, S. Sanjabi:
"Synthesis of Ni/TiC composite coating by infiltration sintering of electrophoretic deposited layers";
Materials & Design, 125 (2017), S. 167 - 179.
- S. Greil, C. Edtmaier, R. Haubner, L. Lauter:
"Metallographic Investigations of Silver Alloys Used for Minting";
Materials Science Forum, 891 (2017), S. 89 - 94.
- H. Rudianto, C. Edtmaier, I. Dlouhy, F. Soukal:
"Effect of Ultrasonication Dispersion Technique on Sintering Properties of CNT Reinforced Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Powder";
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 62 (2017), 2B; S. 1131 - 1135.
- C. Edtmaier, R. Haubner, B. Zeiler, H. Danninger, H. Ortner:
"Special Issue devoted to the 65th birthday of a.o.Univ. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Wolf-Dieter Schubert, Technische Universität Wien, Austria";
International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials, 62 (2017), Part B; S. 85 - 86.
- J. Segl, C. Edtmaier, E. Rosenberg:
"Influenza dei parametri di processo sulla conducibilità termica in compositi a matrice metallica (MMC) Al-diamante";
Diamante Applicazioni & Tecnologia, 87 (2016), S. 41 - 49.
- C. Edtmaier, E. Bauer, Z. Tako, J. Segl:
"Thermal Conductivity Behaviour of Al/Diamond and Ag/Diamond Composites in the Temperature Range 4 K < T < 293 K";
Materials Science Forum, 825-826 (2015), 1; S. 197 - 204.
- C. Edtmaier, E. Bauer, L. Weber, Z. Tako, J. Segl, G. Friedbacher:
"Temperature dependence of the thermal boundary conductance in Ag-3Si/diamond composites";
Diamond and Related Materials, 57 (2015), 57; S. 37 - 42.
- J. Segl, C. Edtmaier:
"Influence of the diamond surface termination on the thermal conductivity of Al/diamond and Ag/diamond MMCs";
Materials Science Forum, 825-826 (2015), 1; S. 142 - 149.