Agilent Thought Leader Award for Bernhard Lendl, opens an external URL

Bernhard Lendl conducts research in the field of molecular spectroscopy with a focus on infrared and Raman spectroscopy. For his innovative work, he has now been awarded the "Thought Leader Award", a prize for trailblazing science influencers. Agilent's criteria for awarding this prize are the international visibility and reputation of the award candidate, as well as groundbreaking preliminary work on an emerging topic. (press release), opens an external URL in a new window



Agilent Thought Leader Award for Bernhard Lendl

[Translate to English:] Bernhard Lendl wurde für seine innovative Arbeit mit dem "Thought Leader Award" ausgezeichnet.

REDFINCH Promotional Video

[Translate to English:] Im Horizon 2020 Projekt REDFINCH wird die nächste Generation von miniaturisierten, optischen Sensoren entwickelt.