Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2024

Theme: Outrageous hypotheses in hydrology
Date: 20th April, 2024
Location:  Kuppelsaal, TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13, 4. Stock, 1040 Wien

Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2024 - Programme
Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2024 - Programme (Download PDF), opens a file in a new window

Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2019

Theme: Outrageous hypotheses in hydrology
Date: 13th April, 2019
Location:  Böcklsaal, TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13, 4. Stock, 1040 Wien

Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2019 - Programme
Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2019 - Programme (Download PDF), opens a file in a new window

Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2018

Theme: 23 unsolved problems in Hydrology that would revolutionise research in the 21st century
Date: 14th April, 2018
Location:  Kuppelsaal, TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13, 4. Stock, 1040 Wien

Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2018 - Programme
Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2018 - Programme (Download PDF), opens a file in a new window

Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2017

Theme: Explaining phenomena through models of different complexity
Date: 29th April, 2017
Location:  Kuppelsaal, TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13, 4. Stock, 1040 Wien

Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2017 - Programme
Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2017 - Programme (Download PDF), opens a file in a new window

Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2016

Theme: Explaining phenomena through models of different complexity
Date: 23rd April, 2016
Location:  Kuppelsaal, TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13, 4. Stock, 1040 Wien

Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2016 - Programme
Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2016 - Programme (Download PDF), opens a file in a new window

Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2015

Theme: Explaining phenomena through models of different complexity
Date: 18rd April, 2015
Location:  Kuppelsaal, TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13, 4. Stock, 1040 Wien

Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2015 - Programme
Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2015 - Programme (Download PDF), opens a file in a new window

Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2014

Theme: Explaining phenomena through models of different complexity
Date: 3rd May, 2014
Location:  Kuppelsaal, TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13, 4. Stock, 1040 Wien

Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2014 - Programme
Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2014 - Programme (Download PDF), opens a file in a new window

Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2013

Theme: Explaining phenomena through models of different complexity
Date: 13th April, 2013
Location:  Kuppelsaal, TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13, 4. Stock, 1040 Wien

Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2013 - Programme
Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2013 - Programme (Download PDF), opens a file in a new window

Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2012

Theme: Explaining phenomena through models of different complexity
Date: 28th April, 2012
Location:  Kuppelsaal, TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13, 4. Stock, 1040 Wien

Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2012 - Programme
Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2012 - Programme (Download PDF), opens a file in a new window

Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2011

Theme: Explaining phenomena through models of different complexity
Date: 09th April, 2011
Location:  Kuppelsaal, TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13, 4. Stock, 1040 Wien

Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2011 - Programme
Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2011 - Programme (Download PDF), opens a file in a new window

Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2010

Theme: Explaining phenomena through models of different complexity
Date: 08th May, 2010
Location:  Festsaal, TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13, 4. Stock, 1040 Wien

Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2010 - Programme
Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2010 - Programme (Download PDF), opens a file in a new window