Theme: Forensic Hydrology

6th Symposium | 18th April, 2015

Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2015

© Peter Haas

The aim of the 2015 Symposium was to demonstrate the role of a forensic approach for understanding how river and groundwater systems function.

The forensic approach encourages hydrologists to collect, examine and combine clues left by past events and processes and then use deductive reasoning to determine how they took place. This is in contrast to the calibration approach where processes and events are first conceptualised and then parameters are calibrated to fit model results to measured observations.

During the symposium, we heard from three speakers who apply a deductive (forensic) approach to their research. Marco Borga spoke about how deductive reasoning can be used to understand hydrological and societal responses to flash floods. Andreas Farnleitner discussed how nucleic acid analysis can be used to trace the source of fecal DNA in groundwater and so determine pollution risks. While Harihar Rajaram presented some ideas from ongoing research on subsurface processes that contribute to widespread “signature observations” or “clues” of a geochemical or biogeochemical nature, and how they can be explained.


Time Sessions Location
08:30 Tea, coffee, pastries and greetings Foyer 3rd floor
08:45 Welcome and Introduction
Günter Blöschl, Technische Universität Wien, Österreich
09:00 Hydrological and societal response to flood producing rainstorms: the potential of forensic methods
Marco Borga, University of Padova, Italy
10:15 Tea and coffee Foyer 3rd floor
10:45 Using genetic information from microbes to reveal the origin of fecal pollution in ground water
Andreas Farnleitner, Technische Universität Wien, Österreich
11:55 Short break  
12:00 Detecting weathering processes and hydrochemical response to climate change
Harihar Rajaram, University of Colorado, USA
13:15 Lunch Foyer 3rd Floor
14:15 Small Group Discussion Sessions
Group 1: Forensic hydrology for flood analysis
Aim: to brainstorm hydrological clues and how they can be combined for understanding flood systems
Moderator: Marco Borga
  Group 2: Forensic hydrology for groundwater analysis
Aim: to brainstorm hydrological clues and how they can be combined for understanding groundwater systems
Moderator: Harihar Rajaram
Seminar room Kuppelsaal
16:00 Tea and coffee Foyer 3rd floor
16:30 Plenary: Exchange of group findings Kuppelsaal
18:00 Evening drinks reception followed by dinner Foyer 3rd floor