Theme: Socio-hydrology – a new science of people and water

4th Symposium | 13th April, 2013

Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2013

© Peter Haas

Socio-hydrology, a new science of people and water, is concerned with understanding the two-way coupling of dynamic human and water systems.

The aim of this symposium was to understand the nature of possible traces of the time evolution and the interactions between the system components.


Time Sessions Location
08:30 Tea, coffee, pastries and greetings Foyer 3rd floor
08:45 Welcome and Introduction
Günter Blöschl, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
09:00 Assessing Freshwater Vulnerability and Evaluating Policies for Sustainability: A Coupled Human-Water Systems Approach
Steven M. Gorelick, Stanford University, United States
10:00 Tea and coffee Foyer 3rd floor
10:30 Man as a hydro-geomorphological agent: modelling pathways and shifts in evolving catchment response
Rens van Beek, Utrecht University, Netherlands
11:30 Short break  
11:35 Floodplain Systems: Putting Humans into the Equations
Giuliano Di Baldassarre, UNESCO-IHE, Netherland
12:35 Lunch Foyer 3rd Floor
13:30 Dynamic interaction of renewable resources, economic growth and population
Alexia Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
14:30 Socio-hydrologic patterns, feedbacks and trajectories in coupled human-water systems
Veena Srinivasan, Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment, India
  Small Group Discussion Sessions
Group 1: Water, ecology and human feedbacks
Brainstorming interactions and feedbacks between water, ecology and humans
Aim: to identify interactions, feedbacks and interplays
Moderator: Veena Srinivasan
  Group 2: Tackling socio-hydrology
Brainstorming how data collection and models need to be adapted and developed to address socio-hydrology
Aim: to create a strategy for putting the socio into hydrology
Moderator: Rens van Beek
Seminar room 222
  Group 3: Settings of socio-hydrology
Brainstorming settings for comparative analysis of socio-hydrology
Aim: to develop a conceptual framework for research in socio-hydrology
Moderator: Giuliano Di Baldassarre
Seminar room Kuppelsaal
15:30 Tea and coffee Foyer 3rd floor
17:00 Plenary: Exchange of group findings Kuppelsaal
18:30 Evening drinks reception followed by dinner Foyer 3rd floor