Theme: 23 unsolved problems in Hydrology that would revolutionise research in the 21st century

9th Symposium | 14th April, 2018

Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2018

© Claire Lupton

Hydrology research is rather fragmented, and this holds back progress. More strongly harmonising our research efforts will focus our research. An example of how this can be done has been shown by mathematician David Hilbert. He set out 23 unsolved mathematical problems at the beginning of the 20th century, which have greatly focused research in mathematics. Can we do something similar in hydrology?
What are the unsolved problems in hydrology that would revolutionise research in the 21st century and raise the level of excitement for the science? To make tangible progress, the problems should:

  1. ideally relate to observed phenomena and why they happen;
  2. they should be universal (i.e. not only apply to one catchment or region); and
  3. they should be specific (so there is hope they can be solved).

In this symposium we aim to identify a set of unsolved problems in hydrology. The list cannot encompass everything we are doing in hydrology, so we need to set priorities. Through panel discussions, breakout groups and plenary sessions we will develop a list that can support all hydrologists to drive hydrology research forward.


Time Sessions Location
08:30 Tea, coffee, pastries and greetings Foyer 3rd floor
08:45 Welcome and Introduction
Günter Blöschl, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
08:50 Where are the great unknowns and how can we find them?
Panelists present a short opening statement on some great unsolved problems they've encountered (5 mins each): Elena Toth, Jeff McDonnell, Gia Destouni, Elena Volpi, Marc Bierkens, Jim Kirchner
Moderator: Günter Blöschl
10:00 Tea and coffee Foyer 3rd floor
10:30 Let's get to work generating a list of unsolved problems in hydrology
Four parallel discussion sessions to sort, merge, split and prioritize the list of unsolved problems identified
Group 1 (moderator: Elena Toth)
Group 2 (moderator: Jeff McDonnell)
Group 3 (moderator: Gia Destouni)
Group 4 (moderator: António Chambel)
G1: Kuppelsaal
G2: SR Kuppel
G3: SR 212-232
G4: HS 14
12:15 Lunch Foyer 3rd floor
13:00 Generating a list of unsolved problems in hydrology (2nd round)
Group 1 (moderator: Elena Volpi)
Group 2 (moderator: Marc Bierkens)
Group 3 (moderator: Jim Kirchner)
Group 4 (moderator: Christine Stumpp)
See above
14:45 Tea and coffee Foyer 3rd Floor
15:15 Generating a list of unsolved problems in hydrology (3rd round)
Group 1 (moderator: Christophe Cudennec)
Group 2 (moderator: Hubert Savenije)
Group 3 (moderator: Alberto Montanari)
Group 4 (moderator: Aldo Fiori)
See above
16:30 Plenary: finalising the list of unsolved problem
Moderator: Günter Blöschl
17:30 Evening drinks reception followed by dinner Foyer 3rd floor