Theme: Explaining phenomena through models of different complexity

8th Symposium | 29th April, 2017

Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2017

© Peter Haas

Most natural sciences aim at understanding natural phenomena through combining observations and model testing.

The aim of this symposium is to learn from sister sciences as diverse as oceanography, biomechanics and tectonics, contrasting their approaches with those used in hydrology, and discuss a generic approach potentially applicable to catchment hydrology. The starting point are observed phenomena, which are then elucidated through models.

Model complexity thus becomes a subordinate issue to what the real goal is - understanding the phenomena.


Time Sessions Location
08:30 Tea, coffee, pastries and greetings Foyer 3rd floor
08:45 Welcome and Introduction
Günter Blöschl, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
09:00 Explaining ocean phenomena through models of different complexity: the case of the deep convection in the Labrador Sea
Bernard Barnier, Institut des Géosciences de l'Environnement, Grenoble, France
10:15 Tea and coffee Foyer 3rd floor
10:45 Explaining biomechanical phenomena through models of different complexity
Christian Hellmich, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
11:45 Short break  
12:00 From observations to decisions in the aftermath of the 2010, Haiti, earthquake: complexity at the heart
Eric Calais, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France
13:15 Lunch Foyer 3rd Floor
14:15 Small Group Discussion Sessions
Group 1: A universal approach to explaining phenomena?
Aim: to brainstorm the steps required to explore observed phenomena through models – contrasting current approaches in catchment hydrology with those in sister disciplines
Moderator: Ross Woods
  Group 2: Complementarity of models of different complexity
Aim: to brainstorm what can be gained by exploring observed phenomena through both simpler and more complex models ‐ lessons for hydrology
Moderator: Charles Luce
Seminar room Kuppelsaal
16:00 Tea and coffee Foyer 3rd floor
16:30 Plenary: finalising the list of unsolved problem
Moderator: Günter Blöschl
18:00 Evening drinks reception followed by dinner Foyer 3rd floor