Theme: Process Interactions and Synthesis

2th Symposium | 09th April, 2011

Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2011

© Peter Haas


Time Sessions Location
08:30 Tea, coffee, pastries and greetings Foyer 3rd floor
08:45 Welcome and Introduction
Günter Blöschl, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
09:30 The soil is not enough: the importance of runoff and rock moisture in near-surface fractured bedrock
Bill Dietrich, University of California, Berkeley, USA
10:30 Tea and coffee Foyer 3rd floor
11:00 Landscape and stream network influences on the sources of catchment runoff and solute signatures
Brian L. McGlynn, Montana State University, USA
12:00 Process hypotheses and multiple sources of information: a statistical perspective
George Kuczera, University of Newcastle, Australia
13:00 Lunch Foyer 3rd Floor
14:00 Laplace’s Demon and Dooge’s Laws: Why hydrology is more than water running downhill
Ciaran Harman, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
15:00 Tea, coffee and pastries Foyer 3rd Floor
15:30 Small Group Discussion Sessions
Group 1: Landscape-climate human interactions
Moderator: Bill Dietrich
  Group 2: Landscape-climate human interactions
Moderator: George Kuczera
Seminar room 222
  Group 3: Landscape-climate human interactions
Moderator: Murugesu Sivapalan
Aim: to develop a conceptual framework to accommodate Black Swans in hydrological theories
Moderator: Praveen Kumar
Seminar room 212
17:30 Plenary: Exchange of group findings Kuppelsaal
18:00 Evening drinks reception Foyer 3rd floor
19:00 Dinner Foyer 3rd floor