Theme: Regional process hydrology

10th Symposium | 13th April, 2019

Participants of the Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2019 in front of the main building of TU Wienm 2019 vor dem Hauptgebäude der TU Wien

© Borbala Szeles

Process hydrology has usually been done to understand phenomena at small (hillslope) scales based on field work, but phenomena happen, and can be profitably studied, at all scales.

There are very important and interesting hydrological phenomena that happen at regional scales such as regional flooding patterns, drought propagation driven by teleconnections and regional aquifers interacting with the land surface to produce wetlands. Understanding phenomena from a regional process perspective is beneficial for addressing many regional societal problems and for advancing hydrology in its own right, given that hydrology is the science of water at all scales.

The aim of this symposium is to learn about regional scale processes through data analyses, modelling and data-modelling synthesis.


Time Sessions Location
08:30 Tea, coffee, pastries and greetings Festsaal
08:45 Welcome and Introduction
Günter Blöschl, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
09:00 Regionalization of hydrologic and geomorphic understanding
Tom Dunne, University of California, Santa Barbara
10:10 Tea and coffee Festsaal
10:45 Regional patterns and processes of groundwater influenced ecosystems
Ying Fan Reinfelder, Rutgers University, NJ
11:55 Short break  
12:00 Regional patterns and processes of floods
Bruno Merz, German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam
13:10 Lunch Festsaal
14:15 Small group discussion sessions
Group 1: Methods of identifying regional hydrological processes
Aim: to brainstorm the methods (data, models, frameworks) required to explore hydrological phenomena at all scales, including regional scales
Moderator: Ying Fan Reinfelder
  Group 2: What are the regional hydrological processes of interest?
Aim: to brainstorm what processes and phenomena are meaningful to be analysed at the regional scale, and what hypotheses should be addressed
Moderator: Bruno Merz
16:00 Tea and Coffee Festsaal
16:30 Plenary: Exchange of group findings Böcklsaal
17:00 Evening drinks reception followed by dinner Festsaal