Hauptvortragende des 35. MassSpec Forum Wien

Ingela Lanekoff

Photo von Ingela Lanekoff

Ingela Lanekoff, Professor am Department für Chemie, Universität Uppsala, Schweden

'The direct infusion probe for rapid metabolite profiling – how cells adapt to space travel'

Manuel Matzinger

Photo of Manuel Matzinger

Manuel Matzinger, Senior Core Scientist am IMP (Research Institute of Molecular Pathology) Wien, Österreich

'Roadmap to success in single cell proteomics - from sample preparation to data interpretation'

Katarzyna Woźniczka

Photo von Katarzyna Woźniczka

Katarzyna Woźniczka, PhD Studentin am Department für Analytische Chemie der Medizinischen Universität Gdańsk, Polen

'SPME as novel technique for sample preparation in the analysis of lipids and lipophilic compounds'

Christophe Masselon

Photo von Christophe Masselon

Christophe Masselon, Leiter der Forschung am CEA Grenoble, Frankreich

'Single particle mass analysis using nano-mechanical resonator arrays'

Isabelle Compagnon

Photo von Isabelle Compagnon

Isabelle Compagnon, Professor an der Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, Frankreich

'Vibrational Ion Spectroscopy modalities for structural characterisation and Glycomics'