Photograph of a workshop task in public space

© aspern.mobil LAB

The photograph was taken as part of an interactive workshop in public space. A map of aspern Seestadt is painted on the asphalt. Small car figures and bicycle figures have been placed on the painted map and notes with comments on the respective locations have been attached.

United for a new urban mobility!

The aspern.mobil LAB in aspern Seestadt is a space for innovation in which science, administration, companies as well as residents work together to contribute to the development of sustainable urban mobility.

Research Focus

  • Development of new urban mobility in the centre of the local challenges and qualities of aspern Seestadt and its surroundings
  • Integration and networking of the mobility system or other fields of action to stimulate innovation
  • Increasing the attractiveness of "new" forms of mobility, such as "active mobility plus +" and "shared mobility"
  • Concepts to relieve urban districts with high traffic volume ("First / Last Mile Logistics +")
  • Support of implementation projects on site
  • Sharing and transfer of knowledge, learnings and best practice examples within Vienna, Austria and the EU region


We are an interdisciplinary team of the TU Wien (consisting of spatial and transport planning, computer science, architecture, design, impact research and law). Furthermore, we work closely with our partners, the development company Wien 3420 aspern development AG, the district management Seestadt aspern and Urban Innovation Vienna. Our active research community network includes institutions and actors from science and research, city administration, business, users and local experts.

The aspern.mobil LAB sees itself as an infrastructure for research and development and is one of five Urban Mobility Labs in Austria within the framework of the Mobility of the Future programme, funded by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK).

Are you keen to learn more?

We look forward to hearing from you! Contact the project coordinator or visit the aspern.mobil LAB website, opens an external URL in a new window and our various social media channels.

You want to know more about Seestadt?

The ARTE documentary ", opens an external URL in a new windowDie Seestadt in Wien, Österreich, opens an external URL in a new window" delivers a beautiful, brief overview of the urban development site aspern Seestadt and its underlying planning intentions. The aspern.mobil LAB and the Seestadt mobility concept are also briefly explained.


Projektkoordination Dipl.-Ing.inMagdalena BürbaumerBakk.a techn. MEng.

Project Assistant, Research Unit of Transportation System Planning

Phone: +43 1 58801 280519 Call Magdalena Bürbaumer

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