The research unit Transport System Planning (MOVE) is concerned in teaching and research with transport, mobility and logistics in the context of spatial development as well as with interactions with social, technological and economic aspects. Our basic understanding integrates the demand- and supply-oriented perspective. Our research activities focus on social and technical innovations in the field of mobility and transport. MOVE can draw on a broad range of methodological expertise, ranging from quantitative and qualitative methods of social research and transport modelling to economic and ecological evaluation methods applied in complex research designs.

 MOVE topics and methods


An efficient, spatially compatible and future-orientated mobility system has many components. In research and teaching, MOVE contributes to a better understanding of fields of action and the associated future paths.


Cover Page Final Report of the SmartHubs Research Project
© Research project SmartHubs

The SmartHubs research project is completed - the final report with the key findings is already available in various languages!

Jonathan Fetka at "Guten Morgen Österreich"
© ORF2 | "Guten Morgen Österreich"

One of the topics our colleague Jonathan investigates is (urban) logistics. To date, delivery robots have only been used to a limited extent…