List of our ongoing projects
Our team is currently working on exciting mobility projects such as RemiHub or Sharelivery. Below you will find a brief summary of every project. Is there a specific project that has caught your interest? Feel free to contact us by email or phone!
Evidence and Acceptance – from Experiments to Transformation
The transnational research project ACCTRA aims to make cities more sustainable, liveable and accessible for all by adapting the transport system. The project will use case studies in Klagenfurt and Istanbul to develop a better understanding of how the necessary transformation of public spaces can succeed. In this context, experiments will be conducted in street spaces to promote alternatives to car traffic such as walking, cycling, public transport or e-scooters. A key role is played by the acceptance of local stakeholders and users. The research project therefore deals with how such experiments and their acceptance can be improved on the one hand through communication and participation and on the other hand with the help of data-based evaluation. In the research project we are working closely with the local administrations in Klagenfurt and Istanbul and attach great importance to an early involvement of local stakeholders.
Duration: 01.05.2023 – 31.10.2025
Funded by Era-Net Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (ENUAC), JPI Urban Europe. | AT: BMK, FFG | TR: Tübitak | SE: Formas, SWEA, Vinnova
Parties involved:
- Project lead: TU Wien
- Project partners Austria: City of Klagenfurt, netwiss OG, Bednar Landscape Architecture
- Project partners Turkey: Ozyegin University, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Maltepe District Municipality
- Project partner Sweden: Koucky & Partners
For more information: website, opens an external URL in a new window | ERA-LEARN website, opens an external URL in a new window
© research project ACCTRA
Integrative building blocks for incentives for company cargo bike use
Cargo bikes are increasingly replacing cars in private mobility and the CEP sector. So far, little attention has been paid to commercial transport as e.g. service. These journeys are characterised by mostly short distances in the inner-city area. The cargo bike offers the chance to save CO2 emissions and to reduce time and costs in the daily work routines (e.g. search for a parking space, parking permits, etc.).
So far, however, there is a lack of appropriate role models for these companies as well as incentives beyond purchase subsidies. In order to achieve a rapid and broadly effective switch to cargo bikes, it is necessary to identify levers at different levels of a multi-level perspective. This is where Antrieb comes in, building a.o. on the findings of the KlimaEntLaster, opens an external URL in a new window project and addressing the following key questions:
- What measures and incentives are required on the part of the public sector so that more companies purchase cargo bikes for commercial / service transport?
- How can cargo bikes be integrated into everyday business procedures?
- What measures and incentives are needed to ensure that employees in companies actually use the cargo bikes they have purchased?
The results of the project are integrative solution modules for incentives for cargo bike usage at at different levels of a multi-level perspective.
Duration: 01.11.2023 – 31.03.2026
Funded within the call of the Austrian Funding Agency (FFG) "Mobility (2022) - Cities and Digitalisation, opens an external URL in a new window"
Further information: FFG, opens an external URL in a new window
Urban Mobility laboratory aspern.mobil LAB
Urban expansion areas face similar challenges in Europe. Using aspern Seestadt as an example, the project aspern.mobil LAB will work on these challenges. To this end, residents are offered numerous opportunities to work on innovative mobility solutions on an equal footing and in this way to rethink their own routines. At the same time, however, the district is a suitable place for industry and service providers to apply different mobility solutions.
AML 2.0: 01.04.2017 – 31.03.2021
AML 3.0: 01.07.2021 – 30.06.2026
Funded by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) as part of the FFG programme "Mobilität der Zukunft" (call for proposals 2016 and call for proposals Economic Stimulus Package Urban Mobility Labs 2021)
For more information: Homepage, opens an external URL in a new window | Facebook, opens an external URL in a new window | Twitter, opens an external URL in a new window | Instagram, opens an external URL in a new window | TISS, opens an external URL in a new window | FFG, opens an external URL in a new window
© Gerfried Mikusch
Photograph of children are drawing with chalk on the pavement at an aspern.mobil.LAB event.
Catalyzing shared mobility through evidence-based management
Shared mobility in Austria encompasses a diverse range of new mobility options. Nevertheless, there is still limited market reach – differentiated geographically and by shared mobility variants. A lack of data and standardized survey and evaluation procedures for the effects of shared mobility make impact analysis difficult. Results are, therefore, often difficult to transfer. In addition, shared mobility variants have so far been investigated to varying degrees, meaning that there is hardly any evidence available for some variants. The basis for evidence-based management of shared mobility has, therefore, not yet been established. At the same time, there are high expectations of shared mobility with regard to intermodal and multimodal transport behaviour and the detachment from the private car. This indicates that there is a lot of untapped potential in the spread and use of shared mobility. In order to exploit this potential and catalyze positive effects, strategic evidence-based management is required.
In order to exploit the potential of shared mobility, CATMOBIL therefore aims to
- achieve greater comparability of impact analyses through standardized methodological procedures for the collection and evaluation of effects,
- obtain a more comprehensive picture and understanding of the effects of shared mobility through optimized and adapted indicators and consideration of interactions,
- to catalyze positive effects of shared mobility by considering the interplay with other measures in the sense of push & pull and to create windows of opportunity for successful establishment and dissemination,
- understand the complexity of the composition of actors in different shared mobility variants and identify key actors as a prerequisite for targeted management.
Duration: 01.05.2024 – 30.04.2025
Funded within the call of the Austrian Funding Agency (FFG) "Mobilität 2023: Urbane Mobilität und Fahrzeugtechnologien"
Further information: FFG, opens an external URL in a new window
Investigation of the cargo traffic volume of the Co-Creative Mile in aspern Seestadt
With the Co-Creative Mile, a modern shopping street is being developed in aspern Seestadt that combines commerce, work and living with high-quality public spaces for encounters. A prerequisite for a high quality of stay is the intelligent handling of the expected delivery traffic. Against this background, an estimate of the expected volume of goods traffic in the area of the shopping street is made as an essential planning basis on the basis of the planned uses.
The spatial location of the estimated volume of goods traffic enables a comparison of different planning scenarios, taking into account both the distribution of uses and the design of the public spaces. Based on the differentiation according to goods characteristics, needs in delivery as well as potentials for consolidation in the area of goods traffic are also shown. In order to ensure implementation-oriented planning, relevant stakeholders from planning, administration and business will be integrated into the project in several workshops.
Duration: 01.04.2023 – 31.12.2023
Research cooperation with Wien 3420 aspern development AG
Driving Equitable and Accessible 15 Minute Neighbourhood Transformations
The DREAMS project investigates how co-creation and user-centered shared mobility services can contribute to barrier-free, sustainable, and inclusive 15-minute neighbourhoods in urban outskirts across European cities and regions.
DREAMS will conduct research in six living labs throughout Europe: Budapest, Brussels, Munich, Paris, Utrecht, and Vienna. DREAMS delivers a comprehensive and comparative analysis of the 15-minute lifestyle in suburban and urban fringe areas with low to moderate density. DREAMS aims to develop and test new business models and governance approaches for mobility services (including micromobility, carsharing, on-demand transportation) and mobility-related activities to reduce car dependency. DREAMS tools will be developed and applied for the co-creation of mobility services and activities in living labs located at the outskirts of the six city regions.
Duration: 01.01.2024 – 31.12.2026
Funded as part of the 2022 EU call "Driving Urban Transitions to a Sustainable Future (DUT, opens an external URL in a new window)"
Further information: Website, opens an external URL in a new window | FFG, opens an external URL in a new window | LINKEDIN, opens an external URL in a new window
Climate-friendly and target group-suitable mobility services in the residential environment with transport bike
Cargo bikes are climate-friendly means of transport that can be used in a versatile way and have the potential to replace transport journeys by car. Whereas they are already part of the streetscape in big cities, they are not yet well established in small towns and rural areas.
The HAUSRAD project seeks to design new mobility services (NMS) based on cargo bicycles - for example, product services with new organisational and usage structures, via pricing models and supplementary services - that take into account the requirements of different target groups in small towns and rural areas and can be easily integrated into everyday life.
For this purpose, the needs and mindsets of (potential) users will be surveyed for the first time in an Austria-wide representative survey. Based on this, NMS will be co-conceptualised and selected concepts will be tested for their suitability and effects in two pilot locations, with a focus on the residential environment.
On this basis, implementation models for the sustainable roll-out of the developed transport bike-based NMS throughout Austria will be developed in cooperation with relevant stakeholders.
Duration: 01.09.2022 – 30.04.2025
Funded by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation, and Technology (BMK) as part of the FFG programme "Mobility of the Future"
© project Hausrad
sketch illustrating the supply components of transport wheel-based NMS (e.g. pricing models, reservation and booking)
Tool for needs assessment and measures for logistics planning in neighbourhoods
Existing planning tools and toolkits usually focus on city-wide aspects and only allow very general and insufficiently quantifiable statements. Influencing factors that play a role in the small-scale environment are often disregarded. With the LOGI-TOOLKIT we are taking a different approach. It is designed to make it possible to assess the suitability and impact of logistical measures at the small-scale level and to prepare their embedding in processes in the best possible way. The fields of logistics and urban planning are considered in an interdisciplinary way and relevant measures are examined for their suitability with the involvement of various interest groups. Those responsible for planning, administration and real estate development can use the LOGI-TOOLKIT to evaluate the consequences and effects of measures on the basis of evidence and take appropriate precautions.
Duration: 01.05.2022 – 31.10.2024
Funded by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation, and Technology (BMK) as part of the FFG programme "Mobilität der Zukunft"
For more information: Website, opens an external URL in a new window
Mobility Benefit Districts - impacts, acceptability & governance of tools for accelerating transitions in the 15 min city
The aim of the proposal is to investigate whether Mobility Benefit Districts (MBD) can contribute to a transition towards sustainable mobility and livable cities. MBD is a concept where revenues from car parking charges are used to finance mobility services locally. Furthermore, residents living locally are involved in selecting the mobility services that are financed.
The goal is to increase acceptability for parking charges whilst giving residents alternatives to private cars through mobility services and new use of public space (when parking spaces are removed). The project will build knowledge on how MBD can be a tool in creating better cities, with particular focus on how MBD
(i) contributes to reduced car ownership and car use as well as to improved livability in urban areas,
(ii) increase the acceptability for (on-street) parking charges, and
(iii) if there are any governance challenges to implement the MBD and how these can they be solved.
The project generates insights on acceptability of MBD among different resident groups and on what increases acceptability with an experimental living lab design in different spatial and governance contexts.
Duration: 01.01.2024 – 31.12.2026
Funded as part of the 2022 EU call "Driving Urban Transitions to a Sustainable Future (DUT), opens an external URL in a new window"
Further information: LINKEDIN, opens an external URL in a new window | FFG, opens an external URL in a new window
Mobility consultancy Seestadt
Within the framework of mobility consulting, the optimal individual solution for the various mobility needs is determined from the diverse mobility offers. Seestadt's residents can obtain information and advice on mobility and the choice of transport. During the free consultation, decisive factors such as travel time, low travel costs, health aspects or climate aspects are discussed.
The consultations help to make mobility in aspern Seestadt more sustainable, more compatible and safer. As a result, we not only benefit ourselves and protect our environment, but also contribute to making aspern Seestadt a more beautiful and safer place where children can play safely and a high quality of life is maintained.
Duration: 01.06.2021 – 31.12.2024
Funded by the aspern mobility fund
For more information: Website, opens an external URL in a new window
© Mobilitätsberatung Seestadt
logo Mobilitätsberatung Seestadt
Multiple mobility data fusion & enrichment for demand-driven mobility use cases
Data-driven mobility analyses are gaining more and more importance for future-oriented, demand-driven and sustainable transportation planning. They allow for small-scale spatial, urban, and transportation planning. In MultiMoFusion, district and neighborhood development are the focus of use case orientated research. In order to assess the impact of neighbourhood-related mobility measures, traditional survey methods are hardly sufficient due to limited spatial, content-related and temporal resolution. By complementing them with new, innovative survey methods, it is possible to close knowledge gaps. Therefore, the goal of MultiMoFusion is to enrich SMASI (Smartphone Assisted Self-Interviews) surveys with anonymized mobile phone movement data (Floating Phone Data (FPD)). A holistically new, high-quality and quantitative demand data source with the advantages of both data worlds is generated.
MultiMoFusion also deals with the innovative use of new and target-oriented communication based on data. Methods from storytelling supplemented with interactive (geo)visualization elements in form of storymaps can be used to generate attention for current mobility challenges. Likewise, the collection of technical, organizational and legal integration requirements towards a future national mobility data space and the investigation of transferability will take place.
Aspern Seestadt is an perfect laboratory for testing and experimenting within the framework of MultiMoFusion. The SMASI data collected here in the scope of the mobility panel form a strong basis for MultiMoFusion. In addition to the existing data of the study area, macroscopic mobile phone movement data will be added. A data fusion is to be used to create a model that improves the SMASI data on the basis of the floating phone data in order to increase representativeness on the one hand and also to depict a continuous, temporal longitudinal section of mobility on the other.
The combination of the fused data and the use of further quantitative but also qualitative methods in the context of the Use Cases shows the advantages, limits and potentials of data fusion. Together with stakeholders, further possible applications (Future Cases) will be discussed and collected - where a transfer strategy to other areas will also be developed.
Duration: 01.11.2023 – 31.10.2026
Funded within the framework of the FFG call "Mobility (2022) - Cities and Digitalisation", opens an external URL in a new window
© project MultiMoFusion
logo MultiMoFusion
Legal framework for alternative mobility services in the housing sector
The integration of alternative mobility services (sharing, carpooling, delivery services) into residential construction makes an important contribution to the sustainability transition in the mobility sector. However, the current legal link between the areas of mobility and housing is primarily aimed at the provision of car parking spaces in the residential environment. There is currently a lack of a clear public law framework for the implementation of sharing offers and other mobility services for residents. The current parking space obligations, which vary greatly from state to state, represent a starting point on the one hand, but can also be an obstacle on the other.
The aim of the project is to analyse the current legal framework in a structured manner, distinguishing between the different types of property developers (non-profit and commercial) as well as new construction projects and refurbishments. By reviewing and analysing best-practice examples of the implementation of alternative mobility concepts in residential construction, the main legal challenges are to be worked out and the need for action identified. In addition, the legal approaches and implementation practices in other selected countries will be analysed and evaluated in a comparative legal analysis.
Finally, a practice-orientated guideline as well as options and recommendations for action will be developed, which can be used as a basis for adapting or redesigning the relevant legal framework.
Duration: 01.01.2024 – 31.12.2024
Funded within the programme „Nachhaltige Mobilität in der Praxis“ by Klima- und Energiefonds.
Integration and Harmonization of Logistics Operations
The logistics industry is facing continuous and significant challenges in recent years. There is a trend towards adoption of intelligent services for increasing the performance of systems and synchromodal operations. Transfers and deliveries can benefit from the use of novel business models that adopt the aforementioned intelligent services when the optimization of the use of shared resources is the core target and become the basis for the provision of a climate friendly infrastructure. The goal of synchromodal operations and the integration of heterogeneous logistics services is the reduction of current transfers in order to reduce the carbon footprint while securing the uninterrupted deliveries and the resilience to any disruptive event.
TRACE targets to the aforementioned integration activities offering a universal platform with functionalities related to planning, scheduling, optimization and events management as well as the use of blockchain technology to facilitate the real time conclusion of smart contracts and financial operations. Thus, becoming one of the first attempts to provide an ‘intelligent cover’ upon the current logistics frameworks.
TRACE envisions real demonstrators in different European countries with different goals that start from transportations with the use of shared resources, the disruptive events detection and re-scheduling of transfers while concluding with the use of unmanned vehicles to automate the last mile deliveries.
TRACE also proposes new transfer corridors, safe areas where unmanned vehicles can collect items towards the final destination and new (virtual) hubs.
TRACE will perform studies related to the barriers towards the new logistics era, the new business opportunities, the requirements for the legislation and regulatory frameworks and expose the benefits of the proposed approach in terms of the reduction for energy demand and emissions while limiting the operational costs for logistics stakeholders.
Duration: 01.06.2023 – 31.05.2026 (36 months)
TU Wien is one of 28 international stakeholders collectively forming the project consortium.
TRACE is funded by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) as part of the European Union’s "Horizon Europe, opens an external URL in a new window" scientific research initiative.
For more information: Website, opens an external URL in a new window | Twitter, opens an external URL in a new window | LinkedIn, opens an external URL in a new window
© research project TRACE
logo research project TRACE
In order to be able to achieve the targeted and necessary climate goals by 2030, increased efforts for a change in transport and mobility are urgently needed. In the Austrian Mobility Master Plan 2030, the redistribution and redesign of public space, among other things, are central building blocks.
The research project trans|formator:in deals with the acceleration and process optimisation of the redesign of public spaces - with the aim of strengthening active forms of mobility and improving the quality of stay. The aim is to create future-oriented spaces with a high level of acceptance and, at the same time, to lay the foundation for behavioural change towards sustainable mobility.
The goals are ambitious: New methods are to be developed and tested in seven pilot municipalities by August 2026. In addition to the entire setup for a successful transformation of public spaces (traffic calming, quality of stay and social meeting points), participation and learning processes as well as communication and social marketing are given special importance in this flagship project of "the mobility of the future".
The seven pilot municipalities (Vienna, Graz, Salzburg, St. Pölten, Langenlois, Deutschkreutz, St. Gallenkirch) are supported by a broad field of ambitious experts from science and practice from 23 consortium partners in order to gain far-reaching, innovative insights and to pass these on to interested municipalities (follower municipalities).
Duration: 01.09.2022 - 31.08.2026
Funded by the Federal Ministry Republic of Austria Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK), The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
For more information: Homepage, opens an external URL in a new window | FFG, opens an external URL in a new window
© project trans|formator:in
map - pilot communities and thematic focus