Fazel Ansari

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil.

Leiter des Forschungsbereichs "Produktions- und Instandhaltungsmanagement" und Universitätsprofessor für Datengetriebenes Instandhaltungsmanagement

Institut für Managementwissenschaften I Fakultät für Maschinenwesen und Betriebswissenschaften

Technische Universität Wien
Telefone: +43 1 58801 33094
E-Mail: fazel.ansari@tuwien.ac.at

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  • Habilitation (venia docendi) in Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, Fakultät für Maschinenwesen und Betriebswissenschaften, TU Wien, 2021
  • Ph.D. in Informatik (Summa cum laude), Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften und Technik, Universität Siegen, 2014
  • M.Sc. in Mechatronik, Fachbereich Elektrotechnik und Informatik & Fachbereich Maschinenbau, Universität Siegen, 2008
  • B.Sc. in Maschinenbau, Fakultät für Maschinenbau, Universität Teheran, 2005

  • Leitung Leuchtturmthemen und Mitglied des Board of Management, Center für Nachhaltige Produktion und Logistik, Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH (seit 2023)
  • Mitherausgeber von AI and Intelligent Manufacturing, Journal of Production & Manufacturing Research, Taylor & Francis (seit 2022)
  • Gruppenleiter Digitalisierungs- und Kompetenzmanagement, Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH (11/2021-02/2023)
  • Lehrbeauftragte & Assoziierte Fakultät, Lehrstuhl für Produktions- und Logistikmanagement, Universität Siegen (2017-2022)

  • Produktions- und Instandhaltungsmanagement
  • Knowledge-Based Maintenance
  • Industry 4.0 und digitale Transformation in der Fertigung
  • Industrielle KI - Anwendung von semantischer Modellierung, Text Mining und prädiktiver Datenanalyse in Fertigungssystemen und Produktionsprozessen
  • Menschenzentrierte Cyber-Physical-Production-Systeme
  • Wissensmanagement (Mensch- und Maschinenfaktoren) in intelligenten und lernenden Fabriken

  • Seminar für Diplomand_innen für Wirtschaftsinformatik (Fakultät für Informatik, TU Wien, seit 2022)
  • Interuniversitäres Forschungskolloquium Technoökonomie (TU Austria - TU Wien, TU Graz, MU Leoben, seit 2022)
  • Parametric Tools for Structural BIM Design Seminar, In Kooperation mit dem Institut für Hoch- und Industriebau (E210), (Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwesen, TU Wien, seit 2022)
  • Maintenance Management, MBA Automotive Industry (TU Wien Academy for Continuing Education, seit 2022)
  • Maintenance Management, MBA Automotive Industry (TU Wien Academy for Continuing Education, seit 2022)
  • Grundlagen der Betriebs- und Unternehmensführung (TU Wien, seit 2021)
  • Seminar für Dissertanten und Diplomanden (Institut für Managementwissenschaften, TU Wien, seit 2021)
  • Industrial Production Information Systems, Vorlesung und Übung in der Master-Spezialisierung "Produktionsinformationsmanagement" (Institut für Managementwissenschaften, TU Wien, seit 2020)
  • Smart Production Systems, Master Seminar in the Specialization of Production Information Management (Institut für Managementwissenschaften, TU Wien, seit 2019)
  • Maintenance Management, Master of Engineering Nachhaltiges Bauen (TU Wien Academy for Continuing Education, seit 2019)
  • Projektarbeit Produktions- und Logistikmanagement, Master Seminar (Institut für Managementwissenschaften, TU Wien, seit 2019)
  • KM 4.0 - Knowledge Management in Cyber Physical Production Systems, Vorlesung in der Master-Spezialisierung "Produktionsinformationsmanagement" (Institut für Managementwissenschaften, TU Wien, seit 2018)
  • Industrial Data Science, Übung in der Master-Spezialisierung "Produktionsinformationsmanagement" (Institut für Managementwissenschaften, TU Wien, seit 2018)
  • Instandhaltungs- und Zuverlässigkeitsmanagement, Themenbereich "Intelligente und wissensbasierte Instandhaltung", (Institut für Managementwissenschaften, TU Wien, seit 2017)

  • The International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP), seit Februar 2024
  • TECHNO-ÖKONOMIE FORUM, seit Februar 2024
  • Austrian Society for Artificial Intelligence (ASAI), seit Juli 2023
  • Deutscher Hochschulverband, seit September 2022
  • Österreichischer Verband der Wirtschaftsingenieure (WING), seit Oktober 2021
  • World Manufacturing Foundation, Focus Group AI in Manufacturing, seit Juni 2021
  • The Prognostics and Health Management Society (PHM Society), seit 2020
  • International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC)
    • Vorsitz von TC 5.2’s Arbeitsgruppe 4 “Predictive and Knowledge-Based Maintenance”, seit 2020
    • Mitglied der Technischen Komitees 5.2 “Management and Control in Manufacturing and Logistics”, seit September 2019
  • International Association of Learning Factories (IALF)
    • Stimmberechtigtes Mitglied und Vertreter der TU Wien, seit Oktober 2023
    • Mitglied des Komitees für wissenschaftliche Exzellenz, 2022-2023
    • Leiter der Arbeitsgruppe “Work-based Learning” und “AI in Manufacturing”, 2020-2023
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), seit 2010
    • Senior IEEE Mitglied, seit Februar 2022
    • Mitglied des Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society (IEEE SMC), seit 2022
    • Mitglied der Technology and Engineering Management Society (IEEE TEMS), seit 2011
  • Vorstandsmitglied bei der European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning (EAPRIL), 2017-2020

  • Keynote, Towards Competence-Based Planning for Optimizing Human Resource Allocation in Manufacturing Systems, Leverage of IT for Engineering and Science (LITES 2023), Gemeinsam organisiert von der Türkisch-Deutschen Universität, der Technischen Universität Berlin und der Universität Potsdam, Istanbul, 31. Oktober 2023
  • Eingeladener Vortrag und Teilnehmer an einer Podiumsdiskussion, AI in Maintenance, 2023 Kongress der Österreichische Vereinigung für Instandhaltung und Anlagenwirtschaft (ÖVIA), Leoben, 11. Oktober 2023
  • Eingeladener Vortrag, Positive Impact Production, Future of Advanced Manufacturing (FoAM 2023), Fraunhofer Innovation Platform an der Universität Twente, Enschede, 10. Oktober 2023
  • Keynote, Cognitive Twin in Industrial Maintenance, Design, Simulation, Manufacturing: The Innovation Exchange (DSMIE 2023), High Tatras, Slovakia, 6.-9. Juni 2023
  • Eingeladener Vortrag, Maintenance-Free Factory: A revolutionary Model for Future of Industrial Maintenance, CIRP Winter Meetings, STC-O Meeting, Paris, 23. Februar 2023
  • Invited Speaker and Panelist, Knowledge-Based Maintenance as an Enabler and Driver of Sustainable Production Management, Intelligent Maintenance Conference 2022, Lausanne, Schweiz, 7 September 2022
  • Invited Talk, Towards Adaptive and Personalized Work Systems, CIRP STC-A Meeting, CIRP General Assembly, Bilbao, Spanien, 26 August 2022
  • Invited Talk and Panelist, Reciprocal Learning in Collaborative Work Systems, Global Engineering Education Panel, 5th European Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Rom, Italien, 26 Juli 2022
  • Invited Talk, Towards Reciprocal Learning in Collaborative Work Systems, CIRP Winter Meetings, Collaborative Working-Group on AI, Paris, Frankreich (Online), 16 Februar 2022
  • Invited Technical Talk, Knowledge-Based Maintenance for Sustainable Production Management, STC-O Meeting, CIRP General Assembly, München, Deutschland (Online), 25 August 2021
  •  Invited Talk, Knowledge-Based Maintenance: TU Wien's Experiences and Foresights, EIT Manufacturing Hub Kroatien, Online Event, 1 Juni 2021
  •  Invite Talk, Human-Machine Learning in Manufacturing Sector: What is H-M Reciprocal Learning?, Skillnet - The Worldwide Network for skills in Advance Manufacturing, Online Event - Skillman International Forum (SIF), 10 Dezember 2020
  • Invited Talk, Text-Mining in Industrial Maintenance, Predictive Maintenance Workshop, Association Industry 4.0 Austria – the Platform for Smart Production, Wien, Österreich, 5 Juni 2020
  • Invited Talk, Learning Factories for SMEs, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Skopje, Nodmazedonien, 27 September 2019
  • Keynote Speaker, Knowledge Management 4.0 Is KM 4.0 for or against Industrial Fake News?!, TAKE 2019 - Theory and Applications in the Knowledge Economy, organized by Institute for Applied Research on Skilled Crafts and Trades (IAGF), WU Wien & Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ), Wien, Österreich, 5 Juli 2019
  • Keynote Speaker, Future of AI based maintenance planning and operations: Can a machine maintain its health score?, Conference on Industry Invited Lecturer, Knowledge-Based Maintenance: Today & Tommorrow , Infineon Winter School Chip Fab of the Future, Villach, Österreich, 26 Februar 2019
  • Invited Technical Talk, Dynamic Maintenance-based Insurance Model for Industrial Machines, CIRP Winter Meetings, STC-O, Paris, Frankreich, 21 Februar 2019
  • Invited Technical Talk, Reciprocal Learning in Smart Factories, CIRP Winter Meetings, Collaborative Working-Group on Biologicalisation, Paris, Frankreich, 20 Februar 2019
  • Speaker, The Evolution of Knowledge-Based Maintenance: From Descriptive to Prescriptive Maintenance, IT2Industry Forum, AUTOMATICA 2018, München, Deutschland, 19 Juni 2018
  • Speaker and Workshop Organizer, Predictive Maintenance through Intelligent Data Management and Analysis, Smart Maintenance Pavillon in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Group for Production, AUTOMATICA 2018, München, Deutschland, 19 Juni 2018
  • Speaker and Workshop Co-organizer, Session 2: Predictive Maintenance through Intelligent Data Management and Analysis, Smart Maintenance Sessions organized by the Fraunhofer Group for Production, Convention Center (Saal Paris), Hannover Messe, Hannover, Deutschland, 26 April 2018
  • Invited Technical Talk, A Problem-Solving Ontology for Human-Centered CPPS: Human-CPPS Collaboration as an Enabler of Changeability, CIRP Winter Meetings, STC-O, Paris, Frankreich, 22 Februar 2018
  • Speaker and Workshop Organizer, Promoting Learning Analytics for Practitioners, EAPRIL Conference 2017, Häme University of Applied Sciences, Finnland, 29 November 2017
  • Invited Symposium Discussant, The Connection Between Education and Technology in Co-Creation with High Tech Enterprises, EAPRIL Conference 2017, Häme University of Applied Sciences, Finnland, 29 November 2017
  • Invited Talk, From Predictive to Prescriptive Maintenance, 3rd Machine Learning for Cyber Physical Systems and Industry 4.0, Lemgo, Deutschland, 25 Oktober 2017
  • Invited Talk, Predictive Analytics in Maintenance of Cyber Physical Systems, Knowledge Management Workshop for Industry and Production 4.0 – Machine Meets Knowledge, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 24 Juni 2015

  • Best Paper Award WGAB Research Seminar 2023, University of Technology Sydney, Australien, September 2023
  • Best Paper Award, International Conference on Learning Factories (CIRP CLF 2022), Singapore, April 2022
  • Best Paper Award, 4th IFAC Workshop on Advanced Maintenance Engineering, Services and Technologies (AMEST 2020), University of Cambridge, UK, September 2020
  • Outstanding Reviewer, Journal of Computers and Industrial Engineering, Elsevier, 2016
  • Winner of Theta Award, The cut-e Award for Person-Job-Fit Innovation, EUR 5K, Hamburg, Februar 2015
  • Dekanpreis für herausragende Leistungen in einer Doktorarbeit, Dekan der Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften und Technik, Universität Siegen, Mai 2015
  • Graduate Scholar Award, 12th Int. Conf. on Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, Chicago, USA, July 2012
  • Diplomabschluss in Strukturintegritätsüberwachung, Gesponsert von der EU-Kommission, Specific Support Action ASA6-CT-2006-044636, Universität Siegen, November 2007

Eine vollständige Liste der Publikationen finden Sie unter GoogleScholar , öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fensterund ResearchGate, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster.

Journals (Peer reviewed)

Buchkapitel (ausgewählt)

  • F. Ansari & L. Kohl, AI-enhanced Maintenance for Building Resilience and Viability in Supply Chains, Supply Network Dynamics and Control, Alexandre Dolgui, Dmitry Ivanov & Boris Sokolov (Eds.), Springer, pp. 163-185.
  • S. Schlund & F. Ansari, Fit for Future Work - Dynamisierung des Kompetenz-Profiling mithilfe KI-gestützter Datenanalyse betrieblicher Prozesse, Austrian Management Review, Wolfgang Güttel (Ed.), Vol. 11, 2021, pp. 96-102.
  • L. Kohl, B. Fuchs, R. Berndt, Daniel Valtiner, F. Ansari & S. Schlund, Künstliche Intelligenz im Kompetenzmanagement, ZWF Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, Carl Hanser Verlag, 116 (7-8), 2021, pp. 534-537.
  • F. Ansari & W. Mayrhofer, Reciprocal Learning Assistance Systems in Smart Manufacturing: Transformation from Unidirectional to Bidirectional Learning Technology in Manufacturing Enterprises, Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age, Pedro Isaias et al. (Eds): Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Springer, 2020, pp. 185-201.
  • M. Khobreh, F. Ansari & U. Seidenberg, A Knowledge-Based Approach for Linking Workforce Experience and Labor Productivity in Smart Factory Industry 4.0, Building Future Competences - Challenges and Opportunities for Skilled Crafts and Trades in the Knowledge Economy, Vol. 2, 2020, pp. 17-35.
  • T. Nemeth, F. Ansari & W. Sihn, Industrielle Realisierung wissensbasierter Instandhaltungsstrategien – Ein instandhaltungsspezifisches Reifegradmodell für Produktionsunternehmen am Weg zur Smart Factory, Industrie 4.0 Management, 5/2019, pp. 17-20.
  • A. Stockert, R. Glawar, F. Ansari & W. Sihn, Qualitätsprognose anhand Prozess-parametern einer Papiermaschine mittels Industrial Data Science, ZWF Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, Carl Hanser Verlag, 114 (5), 2019, pp. 310-313.
  • F. Ansari, R. Glawar, & W. Sihn, Prescriptive Maintenance of CPPS by Integrating Multimodal Data with Dynamic Bayesian Networks, Machine Learning for Cyber Physical Systems, Springer, 2020 (Online seit 10 April 2019), pp. 1-8.
  • K. Kovacs, F. Ansari, C. Geisert, E. Uhlmann, R. Glawar & W. Sihn, A Process Model for Enhancing Digital Assistance in Knowledge-Based Maintenance, Machine Learning for Cyber Physical Systems, Springer, 2019, pp. 87-96.
  • F. Ansari & R. Glawar, Knowledge-Based Maintenance, Book Chapter, In Instandhaltungslogistik, K. Matyas (Ed.), 7th Edition, Carl Hanser Verlag, 12/2018, pp. 318-342.
  • F. Ansari, Cyber-Physical Systems, Chapter In: Strategy Paper of the Research, Development & Innovation Expert Group: Priority Research Areas & Measures to Support the Austrian Research Landscape in the Context of Industry 4.0, The Association Industry 4.0 Austria (Verein Industrie 4.0 Österreich), 2018, pp.26-28. 
  • U. Seidenberg & F. Ansari, Qualitätsmanagement in der additiven Fertigung – Herausforderungen und Handlungsempfehlungen, 3D-Printing: Recht, Wirtschaft und Technik des industriellen 3D-Drucks, Handbook, A. Leupold and S. Glossner (Eds.), Verlag C.H.Beck, 2017, pp. 159-214. 
  • F. Ansari, K. Schenkelberg, U. Seidenberg & M. Fathi, Problem Solving in the Digital World: Synoptic Formalism, Incrementalism and Heuristics, Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology, 2nd Edition; Laplante, P., Ed.; Taylor & Francis: New York, 2017.
  • F. Ansari & M. Fathi, Meta-analysis of Maintenance Knowledge Assets Towards Predictive Cost Controlling of Cyber Physical Production Systems, Machine Learning for Cyber Physical Systems, O. Niggemann and  J. Beyerer (Eds.), Springer, 2016.
  • K. Ternai, M. Khobreh & F. Ansari, An Ontology Matching Approach for Improvement of Business Process Management, Integrated Systems: Innovations and Applications, Springer, 2015.
  • F. Ansari, I. Buethe, Y. Niu, C.-P. Fritzen & M. Fathi, Integration of Knowledge-based Approach in SHM Systems, Transactions on Engineering Technologies, Book Chapter No.: 55, pp. 765-779, Springer, 2014.
  • S. T. Mol, G. Kismihok, F. Ansari & M. Dornhöfer, Integrating Knowledge Management in the context of Evidence Based Learning: Two concept models for facilitating the assessment and acquisition of job knowledge, Integration of Practice-Oriented Knowledge Technology: Trends and Prospectives, M. Fathi (Ed.), Springer pp.29-46, 2013.
  • F. Ansari, M. Fathi & U. Seidenberg, Evolution of Intelligent Quality Management Process Based on Using Performance Quality Indicators, 6th Conference on Professional Knowledge Management: From Knowledge to Action, Lecture Notes in Informatics, Ronald Maier (Ed.), Vol. P-182,Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, Deutschland, 2011, pp. 149-160.

Refereed Conference Papers (Ausgewählte)

  • Kohl, L., Ansari, F., 2023, A Knowledge Graph-based Learning Assistance Systems for Industrial Maintenance, 17th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, Gulf of Naples, Italy, 12-14 July, To be appeared in Procedia CIRP (Accepted and Presented in the conference).
  • Kamhuber, K., Sobottka, T., Lindorfer, P., Ansari, F., 2023, Metaheuristic comparison of a simu-lation-based multi-criteria optimization method for rolling production smoothing, 17th CIRP Con-ference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, Gulf of Naples, Italy, 12-14 July, To be appeared in Procedia CIRP (Accepted and Presented in the conference).
  • L. Kohl, F. Ansari, "Chatbots in der Instandhaltung - Industrielle Perspektiven für den Einsatz von generativer Künstlicher Intelligenz," Instandhaltung im dynamischen Umfeld: Lean - Digital - Integrativ - Nachhaltig - Wertschöpfend, 2023, pp. 131-146.
  • S. Nixdorf, M. Zhang, F. Ansari, & E. Grosse, Reciprocal Learning in Production and Logistics, IFAC-Papers OnLine, 10th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control MIM 2022, Vol. 55, Issue:10, pp. 854-859.
  • R. Glawar, F. Ansari,L.Reichsthaler, W. Sihn & D. Toth, Maintenance-Free Factory: A Holistic Approach for Enabling Sustainable Production Management, IFAC-Papers OnLine, 10th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control MIM 2022, Vol. 55, Issue:10, pp. 2318-2323.
  • S. Nixdorf, F. Ansari & S. Schlund, Reciprocal Learning in Human-Machine Collaboration: A Multi-Agent System Framework in Industry 5.0, In Digitization of the work environment for sustainable production, Peter Plapper (Ed.), Academic Society for Work and Industrial Organi-zation (Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Arbeits- und Betriebsorganisation), Gito Verlag , 2022, pp. 207-226.
  • L. Reichsthaler, T. Madreiter, J. Giner, R. Glawar, F. Ansari & W. Sihn, An AI-enhanced Approach for optimizing life cycle costing of military logistic vehicles, The 29th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Procedia CIRP, Vol. 105, 2022, pp. 296-301.
  • T. Biegel, N. Jourdan, T. Madreiter, L. Kohl, S. Fahle, F. Ansari, B. Kuhlenkötter & J. Metternich, Combining process monitoring with text mining for anomaly detection in discrete manufacturing, Proceedings of Conference on Learning Factories (CLF 2022), 11-13 April 2022, Singapur
  • S. Nixdorf, M. Madreiter, S. Hofer & F. Ansari, A Work-based Learning Approach for Developing Robotics Skills of Maintenance Professionals, Proceedings of Conference on Learning Factories (CLF 2022),11-13 April 2022, Singapur
  • S. Nixdorf, F. Ansari, W. Sihn, Work-Based Learning in Smart Manufacturing: Current State and Future Perspectives, Conference on Learning Factories (CLF) 2021, Graz, Österreich
  • R. Glawar, F. Ansari, Z. J. Viharos, K. Matyas & W. Sihn, Integrating Maintenance Strategies in Autonomous Production Control using a Cost-based Model, Acta IMEKO - The e-Journal of the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO), 2021
  • T. Madreiter, L. Kohl & F. Ansari, A Text Understandability Approach for Improving Reliability-Centered Maintenance in Manufacturing Enterprises, Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS 2021), Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable and Resilient Production Systems, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Vol. 630, Springer, pp. 161.170.
  • T. B. Tuli, L. Kohl, S. Chala, M. Mann & F. Ansari, Knowledge-Based Digital Twin for Predicting Interactions in Human-Robot Collaboration, 26th IEEE Intern. Conf. on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (IEEE ETFA), 7-10 September 2021, Västerås, Schweden, pp. 1-8.
  • L. Kohl, F. Ansari, W. Sihn, A Modular Federated Learning Architecture for Integration of AI-enhanced Assistance in Industrial Maintenance, Academic Society for Work and Industrial Organization (Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Arbeits- und Betriebsorganisation), Gito Verlag Berlin, 2021, pp. 229-242.
  • K. Kovacs, F. Ansari & W. Sihn, A Modified Weibull Model for Service Life Prediction and Spare Parts Forecast in Heat Treatment Industry, 10th CIRP Sponsored Conference on Digital Enterprise Technologies (DET 2020), Procedia Manufacturing, Vol. 54, 2021, pp. 172-177.
  • R. Glawar, F. Ansari, Z. J. Viharos, K. Matyas & W. Sihn, A Cost-based Model for Integrating Maintenance Strategies in Autonomous Production Control, 17th IMEKO TC 10 and EUROLAB Virtual Conference “Global Trends in Testing, Diagnostics & Inspection for 2030”, 2020, pp. 252-258.
  • M. Riester, F. Ansari, M. Foerster & K. Matyas, A Procedural Model for Utilizing Case-Based Reasoning in After-Sales Management, 18th International Scientific Conference on Industrial Systems – Industrial Innovation in Digital Age, 7 - 9 October 2020, Novi Sad, Serbien
  • K. Schenkelberg, U. Seidenberg & F. Ansari, A Simulation-based Process Model for Analyzing Impact of Maintenance on Profitability, 25th IEEE Intern. Conference on Emerging Technolo-gies and Factory Automation (IEEE ETFA), 8-11 September 2020, Wien, Österreich, pp. 805-812.
  • F. Ansari, S. Nixdorf & W. Sihn, Insurability of Cyber Physical Production Systems: How Does Digital Twin Improve Predictability of Failure Risk?, 4th IFAC Conference on Advanced Maintenance Engineering, Services and Technologies, September 10-11, 2020, Cambridge, UK, IFAC-PapersOnLine Volume 53, Issue 3, 2020, pp. 295-300. (Winner of Best Paper Award)
  • K. Schenkelberg, U. Seidenberg & F. Ansari, Supervised Machine Learning for Knowledge-Based Analysis of Maintenance Impact on Profitability, 21st IFAC World Congress, July 12-17, 2020, Berlin, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 53, Issue: 2, 2020, pp. 10651-10657.
  • N. Shilov, Nikolay, A. Smirnov & F. Ansari, Ontologies in Smart Manufacturing: Approaches and Research Framework, 26th Conference of Open Innovations Association (IEEE FRUCT 2020), April 20-24, 2020, Yaroslavl, Russia, pp. 408-414. 
  • F. Ansari, Knowledge Management 4.0: Theoretical and Practical Considerations in Cyber Physical Production Systems,9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control, Berlin, 28-30 August, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 52, Issue: 13, 2019, pp. 1597-1602. 
  • F. Biebl, R. Glawar, A. Jalali, F. Ansari, B. Haslhofer, P. de Boerd & W. Sihn, A Conceptual Model to Enable Prescriptive Maintenance for Etching Equipment in Semiconductor Manufacturing, 13th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, Procedia CIRP, Vol. 88, 2020, pp. 64-69.
  • K. Schenkelberg, U. Seidenberg & F. Ansari, Analyzing the Impact of Maintenance on Profitability using Dynamic Bayesian Networks, 13th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, Procedia CIRP, Vol. 88, 2020, pp. 42-47.
  • T. Nemeth, F. Ansari & W. Sihn, A Maturity Assessment Procedure Model for realizing Knowledge-Based Maintenance Strategies in Smart Manufacturing Enterprises, 25th International Conference on Production Research and Manufacturing Innovation: Cyber Physical Manufacturing (ICPR 2019), Procedia Manufacturing, Vol. 39, 2019, pp. 645-654. (2nd Runner Up Best Paper Award)
  • W. Sihn & F. Ansari, Industrial Data Science – From Raw Data to Useful Applications, In Proceedings of 21st International Seminar on High Technology, Brasilien, Oktober 2019, pp. 3-20.
  • M. Khobreh, F. Ansari & U. Seidenberg, Applying Job-Know Ontology towards Linking Workforce Experience and Labor Productivity in Smart Factory Industry 4.0, In Proceedings of TAKE 2019 ‐ Theory and Applications in the Knowledge Economy Conference, Wien, Österreich, 3-5 Juli 2019, pp. 712-728.
  • R. Glawar, F. Ansari, C. Kardos, K. Matyas & W. Sihn, Conceptual Design of an Integrated Autonomous Production Control Model in association with a Prescriptive Maintenance Model (PriMa), CIRP Life Cycle Engineering, Procedia CIRP, Vol. 80, 2019, pp. 482-487
  • W. Mayrhofer, F. Ansari, W. Sihn, S. Schlund, Konzept für ein Assistenzsystem für Arbeitsplatznahes, Reziprokes Lernen in Hochautomatisierten Produktionsumgebungen, Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft (GfA) Frühjahrskongress, 27.02.19 - 01.03.19, Dresden, Deutschland.
  • F. Ansari, P. Hold, W. Mayrhofer, S. Schlund & W. Sihn, AUTODIDACT: Introducing the Concept of Mutual Learning into a Smart Factory Industry 4.0, In Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2018), 21-23 Oktober, Budapest, Ungarn, pp.61-68.
  • F. Ansari, P. Hold & W. Sihn, Human-Centered Cyber Physical Production System: How Does Industry 4.0 Impact on Decision-Making Tasks?, 2018 IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society Conference, 27 Juni-1 Juli 2018, IL, USA
  • T. Nemeth, F. Ansari, W. Sihn, B. Haslhofer & A. Schindler, PriMa-X: A Reference Model for Realizing Prescriptive Maintenance and Assessing its Maturity Enhanced by Machine Learning, Procedia CIRP, Vol. 72, 2018, pp. 1039-1044.
  • L. Lingitz, V. Gallina, F. Ansari, D. Gyulai, A. Pfeiffer, W. Sihn & L. Monostori, Lead Time Prediction using Machine Learning Algorithms: A Case Study by a Semiconductor Manufacturer, Procedia CIRP, Vol. 72, 2018, pp. 1051-1056.
  • F. Ansari, S. Erol & W. Sihn, Rethinking Human-Machine Learning in Industry 4.0: How does the Paradigm Shift Treat the Role of Human Learning? Procedia Manufacturing, Vol. 23C, 2018, pp. 117-122.

Technical Report and White Papers


PhD Dissertation