
08:30 -  09:00 Anmeldung und Kaffee
09:00 - 09:10 Eröffnung durch Ute Koch (Vizerektorin der TU Wien) und Peter Ertl (Vizerektor der TU Wien)
09:10 - 09:45 Vortrag von Vera Fischer
09:45 - 10:20 Vortrag von Noema Nicolussi
10:20 - 10:50 Kaffeepause
10:50 - 11:25 Vortrag von Karin Schnass
11:25 - 11:30 Kurze technische Pause
11:30 - 12:30 Career Event
  (11:30 - 12:00) Die eingeladenen Vortragenden sprechen über ihre Karrierewege
  (12:00 - 12:30) Fragen an die Sprecherinnen aus dem Publikum
12:30 - 13:30 Mittagspause: Catering und Poster Session
13:30 - 15:30 Contributed Paper Präsentationen
15:30 - 15:45 Kurze Pause
15:45 - 17:15 Podiumsdiskussion mit dem Thema "The role of third party funding for career development in academia"
17:15 Abschluss


Eingeladene Vortragende

Vera Fischer (Universität Wien): Combinatorial sets of reals

In this talk, we will consider some special sets of reals, which on one side originate in real analysis, general topology and algebra and which on the other can be defined in terms of elementary set theoretic operations on the reals. These sets carry a surprisingly complex infinite-combinatorial structure and their study easily brings us to the boundaries of our axiomatic systems. Typical examples of such special families are maximal almost disjoint families, maximal independent families, bounded and unbounded families, as well as maximal cofinitary groups. We will discuss some recent advances and trends in their study, and outline interesting remaining open questions.

Noema Nicolussi (TU Graz): Laplacians on Infinite Graphs - discrete vs. continuous

There are two different notions of a Laplacian operator associated with infinite graphs: discrete Laplacians and Laplacians on metric graphs (a.k.a. quantum graphs). Both objects have a venerable history and relate to diverse branches of mathematics (random walks, combinatorics, group theory, ...). The existing literature usually treats them separately. In our talk, we develop a systematic method relating these two types of Laplacians (spectral, parabolic and geometric properties) and exploit these relations to prove new results. Based on joint work with Aleksey Kostenko (University of Ljubljana & TU Wien) and Mark Malamud (RUDN University).

Karin Schnass (Universität Innsbruck): Dictionary Learning - Sparse Matrix Factorisation

In this talk we will describe the problem of dictionary learning as the problem of factorising a short fat data matrix into an approximately square matrix, called dictionary, and another short fat but sparse matrix, called the sparse coefficients or codes.
We will present simple algorithms for finding such a factorisation, that are based on the optimisation of an energy functional and alternating minimisation. Keeping different variables fixed, we will arrive at two of the golden classics of dictionary learning the Method of Optimal Directions (MOD) and the Online Dictionary Learning algorithm (ODL). Finally, assuming that the data matrix follows a sparse model based on a well-behaved generating dictionary, where each of the K dictionary elements may be used with different probability, we show the following: Given enough training signals and starting with a well-behaved initialisation,  MOD and ODL converge with geometric convergence rate to the generating dictionary.
The presented results are joint work with Simon Ruetz.

Contributed Session I

Agnes Mallinger (JKU Linz): American option pricing using generalised stochastic hybrid systems

Amira Meddah (JKU Linz): American option pricing using generalised stochastic hybrid systems

Viola Garstenauer (TU Wien): Somewhere in Between? Cohabiting Couples, and Their Role in Tax Policy

Devika Khurana (JKU Linz): A novel similarity measure to compare neuronal spike trains

Priyanka Roy (JKU Linz): Upper Bounds for Learning in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces for Non IID Samples

Alice Barbora Tumpach (Wolfgang Pauli Institut): Geometric green learning: how to deal with gauge symmetries?

Contributed Session II

Jingmin Guo (University of Vienna): Maximal green sequences for quivers

Martina Iannella (TU Wien): Classification of $3$-manifolds

Lucía Rossi (TU Wien): Number systems and fractals

Dijana Kreso (University of Salzburg): Exploring composite polynomials through a number theoretic point of view

Vishnupriya Anupindi (RICAM, Austrian Academy of Sciences): Properties of reduced digital nets

Yixin Ren (RICAM): The Correlation of Pseudorandom Sequences

Contributed Session III

Irina Shafkulovska (University of Vienna): On the frame property of Hermite functions and exploration of their frame sets

Victoria Laidlaw (JKU Linz): The inverse problem of wavefront reconstruction in adaptive optics: applications in astronomy and ophthalmology

Diana Stoeva (University of Vienna): On Gabor frames, applications, and compactly supported dual windows

Lorenza D'Elia (TU Wien): Relaxation of integral functionals in the context of A-B operators

Diana-Elena Mirciu (University of Klagenfurt): Higher order error estimates for regularization of inverse problems under non-additive noise

Aida Mousavi (TU Wien): Bayesian Parameter Identification for the Brusselator Reaction-Diffusion Model

Contributed Session IV

Ilham Asmouh (Universität Innsbruck): Highly accurate isogeometric semi-Lagrangian solver for miscible flows in porous media

Claudia Raithel (TU Wien): Quantification of boundary layers in stochastic homogenization

Elena Kopylova (University of Vienna): Soliton type asymptotics for the Klein-Gordon equation coupled to nonlinear oscillator

Beata Ondrusova (JKU Linz): Solving the Inverse Problem of Electrocardiography: Non-Invasive Insights into Cardiac Activity

Minha Anees (RICAM Linz): Personalized Sex-Specific 3D In-Silico Models for Radiofrequency Ablation

Elisabetta Brocchieri (University of Graz): Cross–diffusion systems in population dynamics: segregation of species and derivation of the model

Poster Session

Mariia Filipkovska (TU Wien, B. Verkin ILTPE of NASU): Existence and uniqueness of global solutions of abstract DAEs and applications to PDEs and PDAEs

Clara Horvath (TU Wien): Analysis of Ordinary Differential Equation Models representing the Dynamics of Hormone Axes

Sara Xhahysa (TU Wien): Finite-volume approximation of cross-diffusion systems for tumor growth

Leonie Richter (B&W Deloitte): Optimization Strategies in Insurance Portfolio Compression

Jerielle V. Malonzo (University of Vienna): Gabor Frame Multipliers and their Invertibility

Leah Athina Hartmann (TU Wien): Modeling and Simulation of Population Dynamics in an Economic Context

Eva-Maria Haslhofer (JKU Linz): Reduced Basis Method for Heat Transfer in Electric Machine Simulation

Christine Zeh (TU Wien): Mathematical Modelling of Robot Swarms for Location Reporting in Search and Rescue Missions

Elena Bashtova: Limit theorems for non-Markov continuous-time random walks

Elpida Tsourounaki (University of Vienna, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki): n-Baire Category on Disc Algebra and Polydisc Algebra

Franziska Lesigang (TU Wien, Max Planck Insitut): I can remember less than you - Best responses in repeated additive games

Sara Fraschini (University of Vienna): Stable and accurate numerical simulations of acoustic waves

Esther Daus (d-fine): d-fine - Where mathematics meets industry and finance

Tamari Kldiashvili (TU Graz): Bifurcation analysis of a cross-diffusion system for gang territoriality

Corinna Perchtold (JKU Linz): Mortality and heat waves