Summer Weeks 2025

An extensive and varied childcare program will be offered again this summer:


KW27: 30.06.-4.7.2025
Experiment week (Detailed information, opens an external URL in a new window 2025 follows)
Science Pool
Age: 6-12 Years

KW28: 7.7.-11.7.2025
Sports week Detailed information, opens a file in a new window
Age: 6-14 Years

KW29: 14.7.-18.7.2025
Programming week - WeCodeTUgether Detailed information, opens a file in a new window
TU Wien Informatics eduLAB
Age: 10-12 Years

KW30: 21.7.-25.7.2025
Wien-Woche Detailed information, opens a file in a new window
Age: 6-12 Years

KW34: 18.-22.8.2025
Programming week Detailed information, opens a file in a new window
Robbo Club
Age: 6-14 Years

KW35: 25.8.-29.8.2025
Creative week Detailed information, opens a file in a new window
Age: 6-14 Years

KW 35: 25.8.-29.8.2025
Swimming week is only for non-swimmers and beginners Detailed information, opens a file in a new window
Age: 6-12 Years

Important information about the summer weeks

Target group

School children aged 6-14 years (child must already be in the 1st grade VS) from

  •     employees
  •     students
  •     external participants

Please note the different age requirements for each week.

Childcare times

08.00 - 09.00: Arrival of the children
09.00 - 16.00: Programme
16.00 - 17.00: Collection of the children

The children receive a warm meal or packed lunch at lunchtime (depending on the programme).


via registration form:


Start of registration:

  •     Wednesday, 12.02.2025 for children of employees & students
  •     Wednesday, 19.02.2025 for children of external persons


Registration deadline:

  • 4 weeks before the start of the respective childcare week


!!! NEW !!!

You can register your child for several weeks, but you have to fill in one form per child and per week.

(I.e. if you want to register your child for several weeks, please fill in a separate form for each week). There is no longer a priority selection. The places for all weeks will be allocated by the TU Kids & Care office in the order of registration.

Please note: Places are limited. The available places vary depending on the program.

It is possible to register external children, but registration begins one week later and places are limited.


Cost contribution for TU-internal applications

The cost contributions for TU-internal applications are graduated according to the income limit:

  •     Income below € 2,500 gross: cost contribution € 70
  •     Income from € 2.500,- to € 4.500,- gross: cost contribution € 100,-
  •     Income over € 4,500 gross: cost contribution € 130

Attention! The income limits have been revised for 2025.

Income limits are calculated gross, the cost contribution is calculated per child for a whole week of childcare.

The respective applicable cost contribution is to be ticked by the registering legal guardian on their own responsibility.

Cost contribution for TU students (without employment at the TU)

€ 50,- per child / week

Cost contribution for TU-external registrations

€ 200,- per child / week


Deposit and cancellation conditions

After submitting the registration form, you will receive an information e-mail to the e-mail address you have provided promptly (no later than 1 week after receipt of the registration form at the TU Kids & Care office) to inform you whether your child has been allocated a fixed place in the week(s) you have specified.

A free deregistration is only possible by e-mail until Monday, 17.03.2025. (The deregistration is only valid if it is sent to the above e-mail address).

From 18.03.2025 you will receive the invoice for the deposit in the amount of 50% of the total cost contribution by e-mail. (Please check your SPAM folder regularly, as the invoice email from the bursar's office sometimes ends up there).

Once you have received this invoice, it is no longer possible to cancel your registration free of charge; the deposit must be paid.

If you cancel your child's registration within the last 4 weeks before the respective childcare week, the remaining amount must also be paid in any case. The remaining amount must be paid after the respective childcare week by means of an invoice sent by e-mail.


The children are insured against accidents of all kinds as participants in the workshops or childcare at TU Wien within the framework of the contractual basis of the agreed collective accident insurance.