Registration form

Anmeldung Sommerwochen 2025 EXTERN (EN)
Please use 1 registration form per child and per week
€ 200 per week

After submitting the registration form, you will promptly receive (at the latest 1 week after receipt of the registration form in the TU Kids & Care office) an information email to the email address you provided, informing you whether your child has received a fixed place in the week(s) you specified.

Cancellation free of charge is only possible by email to until Monday, March 17, 2025.

(Cancellation is only valid if it is sent to the email address above.)

From March 18, 2025, you will receive an invoice for the deposit of 50% of the total cost contribution by email. (Please check your SPAM folder regularly, as the invoice email from the bureau sometimes ends up there.)

Once you receive this invoice, cancellation free of charge is no longer possible; the deposit must be paid.

If you cancel your child's registration at short notice within the last 4 weeks before the respective week of care, the remaining amount must ALSO be paid. The remaining amount must be paid after the respective week of care via an invoice sent by email.

I agree and consent that photos of this childcare facility in which my child can be seen may be used for publication on the TU Wien homepage and in print media (both online and in print) or on social media (Facebook, Instagram).
The photos will be published without any personal data.
The consent granted can be revoked at any time in writing by email to This revocation applies to all future publications, but not to publications that have already taken place.
Liability for damage to property or theft of items brought along is excluded.

I agree that the personal data I have provided above may be collected, processed and used by the TU Wien's Office for Work-Life Balance, TU Kids & Care, for the registration and implementation of the childcare programs.

I also expressly agree that the health data of my child/children provided above may be collected, processed and passed on to the caregivers by the TU Wien's Office for Work-Life Balance for the purpose of accompanying and supporting my child/children. No further disclosure to third parties will take place.

The data processing serves exclusively the purpose of registration, implementation and ensuring the health of the child/children when participating in the childcare programs. The data will be treated confidentially.

This consent can be revoked at any time by email to