Information regarding graduation

We would like to point out, that the topic of the Dissertation (doctoral thesis) and the coursework have to be approved at the start of the doctoral programme by the Dean of Academic Affairs.

Please consider the guidelines of the Dean of Acadmic Affairs (german only). (PDF), opens an external URL in a new window regarding the coursework of the doctoral programme.

As soon as an appointment has been agreed with the examiners, the application for admission to the Rigorosum (final exam), stating the date and details of the examiners and reviewers must be sent to the dean's office. The Dean of Acadmic Affairs takes care of the appointment of the chair for the Rigorosum.

If external examiners have been appointed, please hand in the corspondig form (PDF), opens in new window resp. send it to Mrs. Schachinger ().

It is mandatory to hand in two hard-cover copies of the thesis when submitting for the final exam, your supervision hast to upload the thesis in tiss as well.

The reviews must arrive at the dean's office no later than one week before the planned examination date, otherwise the examination must be postponed accordingly.


Application for Doctoral Degree and submission of doctoral thesis

Please make an appointment and come with all the documents to our office (or send all the documents in one E-Mail to Ms. Linda Schachinger ( exactly 8 weeks before the defense:

  • Curriculum Vitae (signed)
  • Current record of studies - Studienblatt
  • Passport
  • Certificate of the last graduate study and the certificate regarding the admission (if necessary).
  • Merkblatt für Verfasser der Dissertation (Guidelines for the authors of a doctoral thesis)
  • 1 Copy of the first page of the thesis
  • An Abstract (about 250 words, including: Name of the candidate, Name of the supervision, title of the thesis) as a pdf-file
  • Application for restricting the accessess (if applicable - your supervisor has to enter the restriction in the tiss-system and then hand you the printout, including the amount of years)
  • Certificates of the courses of the doctoral program

Two Copies of the thesis have to be deposited at the office of the dean!

The defensio will be held when the following requirements are met:

  • The date of the defeniso is fixed
  • The thesis has been uploaded to tiss.
  • The written assessments have been submitted

The final documents can normally be collected from the dean's office during opening hours after approximately 2 weeks (separate notification will be sent out).


The definsio can also held via teleconference (Zoom).

For the defensio via teleconference the following criteria must be met:

  • All parties must agree
  • mutual audibility and visibility
  • voice, facial expression and gestures must be perceptible in a realistic manner
  • the data transfer must conducted on secure (encrypted) channels
  • it must be possible for additional persons to attend the defensio
  • the same level of knowledge of all parties must be ensured.

To attend the teleconference you will need an PC/Mac with Microphone and headphones (preferably a headset) and a webcam or a Tablet or Smartphone.