Office hours: Monday-Thursday, only by appointment.

Please contact Mrs Schachinger or Mrs. Heidlmaier for an appointment.

Application for Degree

Students apply for degree via TISS, opens an external URL in a new window.

More detailed information regarding the application can be found under Degree Application.

Office hours Dean of Academic Affairs, Prof. Gärtner

Please note: There is no office hour from 24.06.-15.07.2024!

The office hours of Prof. Gärtner take place on Mondays from 10 a.m. until 11 a.m. at the office of the dean.

In the summer months and lecture-free period we ask you to take an appointment with Prof. Gärtner.


Schedules for the Bachelor's Programme 2022

The current Schedules for courses and exams for the Bachelor's Programme 2022 are available under Schedules Bachelor's Programme.

Deadline for Teacher Training Programme extended

According to the decision of the senate from June 21, 2021 the deadline for the discontinuation of the teacher training programmes has been extended until (including) September 30, 2021.

Theses in cooperation with partners from the industry

Bachelor- and Master theses, which are carried out in cooperation with partners from the industry have to comply with the guideline for the completion and reimbursement (Leitfaden für die Abwicklung und Kostenersätzen, opens a file in a new window german only).

„Elective courses and Transferable Skills“ in the Bachelor's Programme

Please consider the guidelines for the elective courses and Transferable Skills ( "Freien Wahlfächer und Transferable Skills") for the Bachelor's Programme.