
Recognition of exams (german) (PDF), opens a file in a new window

FAQ regarding the recognition of exams (PDF) , opens a file in a new window

Application for a board examination (PDF), opens a file in a new window

Authorization for a proxy (to pick up documents (PDF), opens a file in a new window

Examination areas for the Diploma(Master)examination (PDF), opens a file in a new window

Regulations concerning the first page of the diploma thesis (PDF), opens a file in a new window

Doctoral program

Application for the rigorosum (final examination (PDF), opens a file in a new window

Announcement of a doctoral thesis (PDF), opens a file in a new window

Guidelines for the courses in the doctoral programme (PDF), opens a file in a new window

Regulations concerning the first page of the doctoral thesis (PDF), opens a file in a new window

Regulations concerning cumulative doctoral theses (PDF), opens a file in a new window

Please note, that the signature on the uploaded thesis is voluntary

External Examiners and external members of a committee

Regulations concerning the reimbursement of travel expenses for External Examiners and committee members (PDF), opens a file in a new window

Admission External Examiner (PDF), opens a file in a new window

Guestprofessors and Guestlecturers

Application for a Guestprofessor (PDF), opens a file in a new window

Declaration regarding the  tax liability for Guestprofessors and Guestlecturers (PDF , opens a file in a new window

Settlement for the travel expenses of External Examiners, Guestprofessors and Candidates for professorships (PDF) , opens a file in a new window