
We would like to thank the following companies (in alphabetical order) for their kind support of our excursion to Northern Italy:

Logo Amag

© Amag

Austria Metall AG

Logo cerabyte

© cerabyte

Cerabyte GmbH

Logo Fronius

© Fronius

Fronius International GmbH

Logo Oerlikon Balzers

© Oerlikon Balzers

Oerlikon Balzers Coating Austria GmbH

Logo Plansee

© Plansee

Plansee Composite Materials GmbH

Logo Primetals

© Primetals

Primetals Technologies Austria GmbH

Logo voestalpine

voestalpine Forschungsservicegesellschaft Donawitz GmbH

Logo voestalpine

© voestalpine

voestalpine Stahl GmbH

the reports of the individual days from the participants of our institute excursion:

Sunday, 14.04.2024

Monday, 15.04.2024

Tuesday, 16.04.2024

Wednesday, 17 April 2024

Thursday, 18.04.2024

Friday, 19.04.2024

Saturday, 20.04.2024

Group photo in front of the entrance to the Sincrotrone Elettra Trieste

© Dagmar Fischer

Group photo in front of the entrance to the Sincrotrone Elettra Trieste

group picture in front of Ferrari Museum

group picture in front of Ferrari Museum