At 9am, after checking out and having breakfast at the campsite, we took the bus to Mestre station (as suggested by Dagmar for the day before, but rejected by Ernst) to take the train to Venice (saving Euro 281.00).


Group photo on the Mestre-Venice train

Group photo on the Mestre-Venice train

From the railway station we headed separately towards the Doge's Palace. At 11.30am we all met up again in Calle larga de l'Ascencion, and with the tour guide we entered the Doge's Palace and enjoyed the history, architecture and portraits.

Photo at St Mark's Square

Photo at St Mark's Square

Photo in the hall of the Great Council in the Doge's Palace

Photo in the hall of the Great Council in the Doge's Palace

Photo of the denunciation letterbox in the Doge's Palace

The denunciation letterbox in the Doge's Palace

Anyone could go to the Doge's Palace and denounce their fellow citizen anonymously. Stone letter slots, some even decorated, received the accusations, strictly separated according to authority. For example, reports of corruption would end up in one letterbox, accusations of damage to the lagoon in another and denunciations of heretics in a third. Inscriptions under the "lion's mouths" indicated the type of accusations that were collected there. (Geo)

Photo of St Mark's Church (with tourists)

Photo of St Mark's Church (with tourists)

Unfortunately, there wasn't enough time to visit the Marco Polo exhibition.

The plan was to meet again at 2.30 pm at Venice railway station to travel back to Mestre, where the bus was waiting for us. Everyone made their own way to the main railway station. Some walked, others took the vaporetto to Venezia Santa Lucia station. There we boarded the train and travelled to Mestre. We rested on the bus on the way to Modena. We arrived in Modena, a beautiful green city, at 6 pm.

The evening was left to everyone's own devices and so various groups were formed, with the programme ranging from sporting activities to leisurely walks through the city and even a direct search for food.

Photo of a Pinsa

Photo of a Pinsa

Photo of Ernst's black pizza

Ernst's black Pizza

Group photo in the pub in Modena

In the pub with quiz and smoking lounge in Modena

Photo in the pub in Modena

Another Pub in Modena