Sincrotrone Elettra

The third day began with check-out from our accommodation in the centre of Trieste. We then travelled by bus to the Sincrotrone Elettra just outside the city. After taking the obligatory group photo at the entrance, we were welcomed by two scientists from the SAXS beamline, which is supervised by Graz University of Technology.

First, they explained the basic functions of the storage ring and the insertion devices such as wigglers and undulators, which are used to generate synchrotron radiation, in a very informative exhibition area. Due to the high energy prices and the tight financial situation, the synchrotron was only woken up from hibernation during our visit instead of in January as usual.

Photo of the entrance area Elettra Syncrotone Trieste


After the explanations of the storage ring, we were led in two groups to the SAXS beamline, which is used for small- and large-angle scattering experiments, to the SYRMEP beamline, which is used for medical diagnostics, and to the DXRL beamline, which is used to fabricate very fine structures of a few 10 µm using X-ray lithography.

Benedetta Marmiroli explains Elettra

Benedetta Marmiroli explains Elettra

Sumea Klokic explains the Beamline SAXS

Sumea Klokic explains the Beamline SAXS

Introduction to X-ray lithography

Introduction to X-ray lithography

Photo of the high-frequency cavity at Sicrotone Elettra Trieste

[Translate to English:] RF cavity

The organising committee is in session

The organising committee is in session

After a short detour to the Fermi free-electron laser, our stay came to an end at lunchtime and we set off for the second stop of the day, the Poli grappa distillery in Schiavon, where, after gaining an insight into various solid materials, we also had the opportunity to explore liquid substances. The organising committee used the journey there for a lively discussion about the progress of the excursion.

The motorway service area

After a short journey, knowing full well what awaited us at Poli, our collective stomachs began to rumble. The mood was threatening to change. "I am hungryyyyyy" resounded through the bus (the person quoted will remain anonymous at this point). That was the last straw. Frighteningly close to starvation, we were on the lookout for potential ways to cover our calorie requirements. There was light at the end of the tunnel, hooray! "Chef Express - Gonars Nord 21" welcomed us with open arms.

This company, steeped in tradition and with years of experience, manages to produce a cheese whose mechanical properties have not been reproduced by anyone else to this day. The achievable toughness and malleability of this type of cheese are beyond human imagination, what an honour to be able to observe such a natural spectacle at first hand. The pizza base produced there also achieves incredible hardness values.

Philipp eats Pizza

Philipp is impressed

Photo of the google review of the Gonars Nord motorway service area

Anonymous reviews from the Internet

Poli Grappa - 20 minutes in heaven

We arrived slightly late at the place that everyone, without exception, was looking forward to the most. The Poli distillery has been producing irresistible grappa since 1898, and it was very popular even during wartime. There is such a warm working atmosphere in this family business that even the children in the village, aged just 10, are happy to work overtime pounding the marc.

After a detailed explanation of the production process, we were allowed to taste the distillates. Past a beautiful red motorbike, through winding cellar vaults, our path led us to the tasting room, where over 40 types of grappa and similar delicacies awaited us. On the sole condition that we were able to leave the distillery on our own two feet, we spent a whole 20 minutes savouring grappa in every conceivable form: Original, aged in oak barrels, with additives, liqueurs and whatever else you can do with grappa.

Quote: A. Kirnbauer: "Stop talking and start drinking!"

Photo at the Poli distillery in Schiavon

Photo at the Poli distillery in Schiavon

Photo at the Poli distillery

The red motorbike that Toni Poli, father of the current boss, rode from Italy to the North Cape in 1951

Photo at the Poli distillery in Schiavon

Grappa aged in oak barrels

Photo at the Poli distillery

Photo at the Poli distillery

The beautiful bridge and the beer

As the cultural hunger was not yet satisfied, the journey continued to Bassano del Grappa. This charming town is home to a beautiful wooden bridge. A stroll across this bridge will revitalise both body and soul.

Photo of Bassano del Grappa

The beautiful bridge

But not everyone makes it to the beautiful bridge. The temptation is too great. After walking for about 5 minutes, we reached Tetley's pub. Freshly tapped beer: IPA, Guinness, everything the beer-loving heart desires, just no Italian beer, for heaven's sake. Not an easy task to simply stroll past. As a result, the group split up into bridge-loving hikers and a few culture vultures who decided to forgo the bridge in favour of a cold beer.

Picture of the pub in Bassano del Grappa

The Tetley's pub

Group photo in the pub

No bridge-loving hikers

Group photo on the bridge of Bassano del Grappa

Bridge-loving hikers

Arrival in Mestre

In the evening, we finally arrived at the hu Venezia Camping in Town bungalow complex on the outskirts of Mestre, which served as our base for our visits to the Venice area.

Report: L. Helml, R. Schuster