Project Description

Due to the large number of possible configurations of advanced powertrains involving batteries, fuel cells, hybrid configurations with internal combustion engines, as well as different sizing of all components, powerful and versatile testing solutions are required to support the development process. Therefore, hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing environments, or in particular Power HIL (PHIL) setups, play a crucial role. Not yet available parts of a system are substituted by a simulation which enables the testing of entire powertrains in early development stages.

Consequently, the development times can be reduced since a full vehicle is not required for individual component or powertrain tests. Further advantages compared to real-world testing are reduced costs, reproducible tests and easy examination of the impact of different component configurations and dimensions. It is thus highly important that HIL tests reflect the reality as precisely as possible, because the whole development process relies on the correct outcome of these tests. In the Christian-Doppler-Laboratory (CDL), we are particularly engaged in the areas of full powertrain testbeds, as well as testbeds for combustion engines and electrical components.

schematic illustration of a monitor, computer and a blue car

Various controllers and interfaces play a vital role in the framework of HIL testing in order to ensure that the required physical quantities of the simulation are regulated and that the coupling with the virtual world (simulation) is suitable for highly dynamic tests. On the one hand, the focus of our investigations is on modelling and the design of accurate but reliable controllers (especially for fast commissioning). On the other hand, the major challenge for powertrain testbeds is the design of interfaces connecting the real world and the virtual simulation environment (e.g. for so-called road2rig approaches).

Video Presentation

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Watch our project video on this exciting topic!

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Video Title: Control and Interface Design for Engine and Powertrain Testing


Erdogan, Dennis, Stefan Jakubek, Christian Mayr, and Christoph Hametner. "Model Predictive Feedforward Control for High-Dynamic Speed Control of Combustion Engine Test Beds, opens an external URL in a new window." IEEE Open Journal of Industry Applications 2 (2021): 82-92.

Erdogan, Dennis, Stefan Jakubek, Christian Mayr, and Christoph Hametner. "Combustion engine test bed system identification under the presence of cyclic disturbances, opens an external URL in a new window." IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 68, no. 9 (2020): 8636-8645.

Erdogan, Dennis, Stefan Jakubek, and Christoph Hametner. "Model Predictive Control and Disturbance Compensation for Engine Test Beds, opens an external URL in a new window." In 2020 15th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), pp. 7-12. IEEE, 2020.

Cooperation Partner


  • February 2017 - January 2024

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CDL Powertrain

Associate Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.Christoph Hametner

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