We are characterized by an employee-oriented management culture in which commitment and willingness to perform have high priority. Our service portfolio includes all research areas: technical dynamic and vehicle system dynamics, mechanics of solids, sensor and actuator technology, control and process automation.

What to expect from us

Varied activities, personal responsibility, targeted training, further education opportunities, and transparent communication form the optimal framework for your everyday work in our institute.

26th June 2024

Project Assitant (Prae-Doc), 40h, limited to 3 years

Job description, opens in new window

4th June 2024

University-Assistant (Post-Doc), 40h, limited to 6 years

Job description

Registration until 27th June 2024

4th January 2024

PhD Student, Universitätsassistent_in, 30h

Jobbeschreibung, opens in new window

Nothing for you?

You are welcome to send us your unsolicited application at career.E325@tuwien.ac.at.