Considering Issues of Stability and the Human-Machine Interface

Teleoperated vehicles are gaining importance during the transition to fully automated vehicles since, at the current state of development, automated vehicles are not capable of operating in all conditions and environments. Despite the high potential of the concept of teleoperated vehicles, there are still challenges that need to be dealt with. As the driver is not physically present in the vehicle when teleoperating a vehicle, they lack information about the vehicle motion. Further communication delays limit the speed of stable vehicle handling.

To increase the driver’s perception and the manoeuvrability of the teleoperated vehicle, a tuneable torque emulation concept is introduced, studied, and tested in a simulation environment, in a simulator environment and in real application.

Further, stability analysis is applied to better understand the limits of speed for safe vehicle handling and the steer-by-wire system or in this case, steer-over-the-air system, is adapted to possibly extend these limits.

Simulator from driver point of view

Figure 1: Telestation with real environment and operator; view in a simulated environment at offline testing


For a presentation of the project viaMotorrad with all the facts and project procedure (in German) watch the video

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Video: Presentation of the project (2024)


Preparation of paper in progress


  • Ypti Hossain

Project Funding



Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Manfred Plöchl

University Lecturer, Research Unit of Technical Dynamics and Vehicle System Dynamics

Send email to Manfred Plöchl

Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Johannes Edelmann

Head, Research Unit of Technical Dynamics and Vehicle System Dynamics

Send email to Johannes Edelmann